You should never wish your high school days to be over so soon. Trust me, I did my senior year and it was the worst mistake of my life. Time flies by super fast and you don't even notice until you are walking to accept your diploma. Why shouldn't you wish it away so fast? Well there are 10 main reasons why.
1. Your high school sweetheart may not stay through the time you are in college.
No matter what you think and how great your relationship is, you may not always end up with your high school sweetheart.
2. Your friends may not "always" be here for you when it's the darkest time of your days.
Even though they say they will "always" be here for you, leaving for college changes people and you lose friendships.
3. Before you know it, it's Christmas break already.
You will be going to the holiday tourney like every year and you will then realize, it is the last one as a high school student.
4. After that, many of you will be applying for a college you could be at for the next four years.
Most stressful time of your life, well almost anyways. Just keep pushing through it and never give up. It is always worth it in then end.
5. Almost the saddest of them all, you will then be having your last senior night and home game of your high school career.
Such a bittersweet time, you will be getting so many hugs and shed so many tears during this night.
6. And then there is Spring Break, the last one with all your high school friends together as one.
You may make new friends and go to Spring Break with them, but you will most likely never go with the same group you did in high school because everyone is on their own track
7. Before you know it, it is your last prom.
You might be on prom court like I was and you will love every minute of it, even if you don't win.
8. Then you have your senior awards sneaking up on you so fast.
One of the last nights you and your class are together as one, you will never forget this day.
9. And almost the last thing there is, it's finally your graduation.
One of the hardest days of your life, you will be getting your diploma. What you have been working towards forever it feels like. But you need to remember who was there to push you through the times you needed it.
10. Last but not least, you will then be saying bye to your mom and dad as they drop you off for the first time at college, all by yourself
You will most likely cry the first week by yourself, almost everyone does. Don't feel embarrassed, it happens. But just remember, you will achieve and you will not give up. You will see them again soon.
So, what I'm trying to get at is do not, I repeat do not wish your high school days away so soon. Growing up is not like everything thinks it will be. Unfortunately, you will end up being a broke college student that misses home and their momma. Because I'm not the only one that is like that. So do not wish you could grow up faster and just live life. Live your high school days and your senior year like a snail. Do not try to rush through the year. You will miss home and hate being on your own at times.
Remember that.