Being in high school has taught me a lot more than just the typical academic learning material. It has taught me the following 10 things which have stuck out to me more than anything else. I have through experience and time learned lessons I can carry with me throughout my life.
1. Being different isn't a bad thing.
No matter what you enjoy, or what you are interested in, there is a group for you.
2. It doesn't matter what you wear.
As nice as it is you have the newest trend, you can still make it through high school without it. Because 15 years from now, people won't remember what brand you wore in school or how much you paid for it.
3. A bad grade doesn't define you.
As much as I truly let this get me down, my math teacher has taught me one important life lesson: the sun will come up tomorrow whether or not you get an A.
4. Not everyone is gonna like you.
It's easy to get caught up in pleasing everyone, but as much as you'd like it, not everyone is going to like you, no matter what you do.
5. Memories take action.
I've missed out on countless opportunities to hang with my friends, simply because I didn't take action. I've learned taking action and making things happen help create memories that will last a lifetime.
6. One person's opinions don't define you.
People may say nasty things, but that doesn't change or define who you are––whether it's an old boyfriend/girlfriend who made you feel insignificant, or a friend who actually didn't have your back.
7. Trying new things is rewarding.
Despite the nerves of trying something new, the payoff is priceless. I've gained new friendships and skills that will last a lifetime. Even if it is out of your comfort zone––stepping out is so rewarding. As they say, "you never know until you try."
8. True friends really make a difference.
Sometimes all you need is a shoulder to cry on and someone to talk to. Having a true friend makes all the difference. High school is a place to make memories and it's more fun to cherish them with your friends. One or two true friends are worth way more than a huge group of faux friends.
9. Almost everyone changes.
Whether its a good change or a bad change, people will change. And people will surprise you. But this doesn't mean change is bad. Through this I've gained some of the best friends I could ask for.
10. High school doesn't define you.
This is something I haven't fully grasped yet. It took some wise words from my coach to explain this to me. If you don't reach every goal you set in high school, life isn't over. High school is a time to grown and learn from mistakes. Twenty years from now you will have learned to move on from not making a sports team, or not reaching your academic goals. There is life beyond high school.