DISCLAIMER: I love Ole Miss. Choosing to go to Ole Miss was probably the best decision I've made in my short 19 years of living thus far. However, there are some aspects of this great university that make me question life itself. Here's a countdown of the top ten things that make Ole Miss students cringe and hate life for a few moments:
1. The Bikers
You're casually walking from your 9 a.m. to your 10 a.m., and out of nowhere, a biker speeds his way past you. You have a mini heart attack, but you then proceed to keep walking to class and vow to yourself you'll never be "that guy" who bikes to class on a Wednesday morning like he's competing in the Tour de France.
2. The Squirrels
True life: I was almost attacked by a Grove Squirrel should be an episode of the ever eye-opening, classic MTV show. It was a normal Monday morning, and I got out of class early. I was Face-Timing my high school friend, and I was sitting outside the Union when I came into dangerously close contact with one of these infamous little devils. It was horrifying and I saw my life flash before my eyes.
3. The Speed Limit
After a 9 p.m. run to Mc. Donald for a Coke before a late night study session, you have to drastically slow down in order to not get pulled over by a UPD cop who is waiting to pull you over by the Ford Center for not going the 18 mile per hour speed limit. I have been in the passenger seat observing too many of these instances.
4. Running out of Flex ![]()
Randomly (or so it seems), you get an e-mail saying your Flex is low. After, you question yourself on how you could have spent all that money on Pizza Sticks. Fortunately, reloading it is only a few clicks away.
5. The Union Lines
Chick fil A stops serving breakfast at 10:30, and all you want out of life is a chicken mini. When you get out of your 9:30 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays early for once, you power walk to the Union so you can skip the line. Guess what: when you get there the line is wrapping around and maybe the worst thing in the entire world. You eventually get to the front of the line, and they ran out of breakfast and are now serving lunch. The upside? Chick fil A lunch is ALMOST as good as Chick fil A breakfast.
6. Bishop Hall 
My Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule is as follows: Anthropology at 8 a.m. in Bishop Hall immediately followed by IMC 205 in Farley. If it were not for my anthropology professor always letting us out early, I would never make it to my 9 a.m. because Bishop is literally on the opposite side of campus. Not to mention, the lighting situation is a bit creepy, and it sketches me out how my class is on the bottom floor which really should be the basement even though it technically is the ground floor. On the upside, I can always make my step goal on Fitbit.
7. 8 a.m. classes
Every morning for me is a debate to get out of bed for my 8 a.m. classes every. single. day. What makes it especially bad is that on Tuesdays and Thursdays my 8 a.m. is my only class. You think because you did it in high school, you can do it in college too. Lol jokes. Avoid it at all possible costs.
8. The Random Power Outages 
Incoming freshmen beware! Randomly the power will go out. It can be sunny outside and you're just chilling in your room and then all of the sudden the power goes out. Another situation: it can be dark outside and it looks like it is about to rain and the power can go out at the beginning of your 8 a.m and you get out early, four minutes into class. Or worst case scenario: you just picked up a large package at the package center and finally get back to your dorm from the hike there. You get there and the power goes out and you then have to climb eight flights of stairs. After that, you have to drop off your heavy laundry bag at the truck in front of the building. Yep, it happened to me.
9. Leaving a Spring Party 
Yes, leaving a spring party sucks because it's over. I'm not talking about that though. The worst thing about leaving a spring party is the bus situation. Everyone slowly starts to leave to go to the bus area, and then finally, there is a stampede to the bus area. Fights break out, people start running in the middle of the street towards the freeway, and you get herded like cattle. There's hardly any service out there either, so good look finding a taxi or a ride!
And the thing I utterly despise most...
10. The Martin/Stockard Hill
It never gets better. Your calves will hurt every single day and you will be out of breath every single time.