1.) You're the first one to go to bed in your dorm hall
You just don't have the patience to stay up and hangout with other people when you have an 8am class in the morning. And plus you're always exhausted so going to bed is like the best part of the day.
2.) You get excited when most people on your campus go home for the weekend
It'll finally be quiet enough for you to finish your book.
3.) You make an excuse not to go to a party because you're up to a really good part in your book
I'd much rather find out who else died in The Hunger Games then get blackout drunk TBH.
4.)The library becomes your best friend
It's quiet and there's never any annoying drunk kids.
5.) You prefer movie nights with friends rather than getting unnecessarily wasted
The only high I need is the amazing plot twist.
6.) You take long walks to clear your head because you secretly have a lot of ideas but are too afraid to share them
You don't share your opinions during class debates so you think about all of the things you could've said.
7.) Your headphones are always in so you don't have to listen to other people
What people did over the weekend is just irrelevant to you.
8.) You have a small group of friends because you just can't tolerate most people
And you all make fun of all of the people you hate.
9.) Netflix is also your best friend
As it is for most collage students. As an introvert its literally most of your life.
10.) You are the most excited to go back home
Everything is quieter back home.