For the past eight weeks, you've been working like a maniac: running to classes, loading information into your brain, pushing through piles of assignments, running your body to its maximum capacity, and studying for exams until your head hits the pillow out of mere exhaustion. You see the signs in yourself, and you see them in your friends, too. Even the faculty seems a little deflated, the shine in their academic spectacles more lackluster than usual. It's time for a break - just enough to let our minds rest and reboot for a few days.
Well, that's what Fall Break is for, isn't it? And now it's almost here!
If you're going home for Fall Break, here are some of the things you can expect:
1. You over-pack
Ok, definitely bringing this sweatshirt, and this one, too... and maybe all these socks... can't be too cozy, right? But wait - remember all the clothes that you left at home? Oops. Looks like you won't be wearing any of the stuff you packed after all!
2. You get tackled at the front door
Especially if you have: a) younger siblings, or b) a dog. Prepare yourself for a full-impact reunion! (Tip: maybe don't wear your heavy backpack when you first walk in)
3. Home cooking
Need I explain? No matter what, the food at home is always better.
4. Sleeeeeep
No noisy neighbors, no 8am classes, and no late-night study sessions - all in your own bed, with your own mattress, in your own room! Get ready for the best night's rest you've had in weeks.
5. Family time
Phone calls and FaceTime are great, but they pale in comparison to the real thing. Having the ability to actually hug your mom, witness the dad-jokes in person, have giggle sessions with your sisters, and see how much your brother has grown is something truly worth savoring.
6. Pet therapy
Warning: once you've begun cuddling, there is a chance that you may not be able to let go of the dog. It's been much too long without your furry buddy, so enjoy the sloppy kisses while you can!
7. Driving
If you don't have a car on campus, regaining the ability to get behind the wheel feels like sweet, sweet freedom. You'll volunteer to drive anywhere and everywhere: Grocery shopping? I'll drive! Your brother needs to go to swim team practice? I'll take him! Dry-cleaning pickup? Sure, I'll get that, too!
...just as long as the dog gets to ride along.
8. *groan* Homework
Yep, there will be assignments over break and you will have to do them. At least it'll be in the comfort of your own home, right?
9. Seeing your besties from home
It's been much too long since you've last seen each other. You'll hang out on the couch and talk for hours about school, life, dogs, Kim Possible... nothing's changed!
10. Wait, it's over?
Time flies, and it flies at the speed of the USS Enterprise in warp mode. Just when you think you've got this whole "break" idea figured out, it's time to pack up and head back to school. So... take a deep breath (inhale, hold, 2, 3, exhale, hold, 2, 3), give your family one last hug, and know that you are ready to take on whatever comes your way!