1. Your happiness will increase exponentially.
2. Your bank account will quickly approach zero.
3. You'll finally get to spend every waking moment with the loves of your life (your best friends).
4. Your wardrobe will quadruple in size because every article of clothing your housemates own are now yours too.
5. Your alcohol tolerance will go way up.
6. Your relationship with your parents will get better (fact: absence really does make the heart grow fonder because you're too far away to rip each others hair out).
7. You'll remember how terribly difficult college classes are (and how terribly difficult waking up for them is).
8. You'll also remember how amazing (and huge) your campus is.
9. You'll cook for the first week of school and then quickly switch to the "dining out" diet for the rest of the year.
10. You'll be surrounded by people who love your school just as much as you do.