Most teenagers go through a rebellious stage, fighting with their parents and slamming their bedroom doors. I was not one of them. My parents are excellent guardians and even better friends. While there are all kinds of mothers, my mom has repeatedly reminded me that she brings the iconic quote from "Mean Girls" to life. She's "not a regular mom, she's a cool mom."
1. She knows all the hip lingo.
Last week my mom brought up Harambe in casual conversation. When I asked her about it she replied, "I follow Barstool Sports. I know things."
2. You have a guaranteed best friend.
I've been lucky enough to have the same group of friends for over 10 years. However, my mom is someone I know I can count on no matter what.
3. Strangers ask if you're sisters.
I'm talking to you, strange man in the grocery store. No, we are not sisters. Please leave us alone.
4. She raised you to be strong and independent, but she'll protect you when you need her.
In reality, this is every time someone cuts me in line.
5. She's your number one fan.
Whether it's a dance recital, soccer game, or school play, her attendance is guaranteed.
6. She teaches you proper selfie etiquette.
The modern day "cool mom" knows which Snapchat filter complements you best.
7. Your friends love to gossip with her.
I can't count the number of times I've walked downs the stairs to find my friends circled around my mom at our kitchen table.
8. There's always someone to order pizza and watch movies with.
You both know that life is about balance. Some days you eat kale, other days you eat carbs.
9. She's not afraid to be honest.
My mom never hesitates to tell me when I'm being ridiculous.
10. She's never sported the traditional mom getup.
She'd never be caught wearing mom jeans. We share clothes, jewelry, and shoes.
11. You can go to her when you're short on cash.
You'll miss this generosity when you move away from home.
12. You may be the princess of the house, but she's the queen.
We are all just "cool moms" in training, and eventually we'll inherit the crown.