So Grey's Anatomy is basically the over dramatized way of showcasing every emotion ever felt by an actual human. The quotes and scenes from this show are written so well it's honestly scary. So thank you (and not so thank you for making my life hell) Shonda Rhimes for the genius that is Grey's and for all of the things that, through this emotionally draining television series, you have taught me. There's not much explanation but gifs following these 10 things but if you are an avid (and darkly obsessed) Grey's Anatomy Netflix binger, you'll understand. Remember, this is a teaching hospital...we teach.
1. It's okay to cry...a lot
2. We can't help who we fall in love with
3. Keep going
4. Never take anything/anyone for granted
5. Love is complicated
6. Your happiness always comes first
7. It's okay to stick up for yourself (and b*tch like everyone who does you wrong out)
8. Make sure your career isn't a job, but your passion
9. There's a difference between your soul mate and the love of your life
10. Fight for what you want
And there you have it Greybies. Obviously there's way more than 10 things that you can take from this show but I think these cover the gist of it. Happy binging!!!
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