10 Things You Know If You Grew Up In Pinckney, Michigan
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10 Things You Know If You Grew Up In Pinckney, Michigan

This tiny village has unique features that make it an unforgettable place.

10 Things You Know If You Grew Up In Pinckney, Michigan

Pinckney, Michigan: a tiny village that, when mentioned to outsiders, will be met with blank stares until you explain that you live 45 minutes from Ann Arbor. Despite how small it is, Pinckney is a place with distinct features that make it unique and listed here are ten of them.

1. The rushes at the beginning and end of the school day are about as bad as traffic gets.

Whether it's around 7 AM or 2:30 PM, you'll want to alter your driving time when school's in session to get through that main light in town. Lines of waiting cars can stretch from that light to the high school; getting anywhere promptly is basically impossible.

2. To get any major shopping done, it's a big trip.

Aside from food, any other shopping that you need to get done is at least fifteen minutes away in either direction. A run out to find a cute top for that interview or date you've got coming up will take an hour or so, depending on whether or not you get distracted while you're out.

3. Potholes. So. Many. Potholes.

Whether you're on a paved or dirt road, you know the struggle of inching along trying not to ruin your car's suspension. It's especially bad after the first big thaw of spring when those washboard bumps get dangerous.

4. Your car will never be clean if you live on the outskirts of town.

Speaking of potholes, if you're unlucky enough (or lucky enough, depending on who you ask) to live on a dirt road, kiss your clean car goodbye. Unless you want to be the person who goes five miles an hour down your road right after you got your car washed so as to keep the dust and/or mud off, you usually save your car washes until you really need it.

5. When someone says they live in Pinckney, it could mean they're quite far away from Main Street.

If someone mentions they live in Pinckney, this could mean many things. Do they actually live in town? Do they live in the surrounding area, which would be a different township completely? This is important information to specify whenever you mention where you live.

6. If you went to school here and rode the bus, you'd settle in for hour-long rides.

Since a lot of the surrounding townships are too small for their own school districts, if you rode the school bus you'd be in for a long ride. Unless you live right in town or conveniently on the first stop of the route, you'd be getting up ridiculously early and getting home ridiculously late.

7. How are we such a small town but have so many fast food restaurants?

All on Main Street, we've got McDonald's, Wendy's, Taco Bell, and Little Caesar's. There's also at least four pizza places all within a few miles' radius of each other. Your one-road stop for greasy food, plus the addition of your first high school-aged job! Also, as a side note, why do we have so many auto parts stores within walking distance of each other?

8. It's impossible to go to the grocery store without seeing someone you know.

Whether it's Kroger further down the road or Busch's right in town, you'd better make sure when you go out that you're okay with looking the way you do. You also should prepare for the five minute (at least) grilling on how your life has been since the last time you were standing in the produce aisle.

9. Everyone loves Art in the Park.

This is possibly the biggest thing that Pinckney puts on. Though it's not as cool for younger people as the Hamburg Fun Fest, with its' dangerous roller coasters and arcade games, it's always fun to look at all the cool art and watch mini performances. And where else would you get your funnel cake and corn dog fix in Pinckney?

10. Some people love it and some people hate it.

Let's face it -- some people never leave Pinckney. Some people can't wait to get away. But love it or hate it, if you grew up in Pinckney or if you settled here, you'll always have at least something to look back fondly on.

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