7. We all know those Jiffy Lube Live goers who spontaneously turn country for the night. | The Odyssey Online
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10 Things You're Aware Of If You Grew Up In Northern Virginia

Virginia is for lovers, or so we thought.


If you have grown up in the Northern Virginia area, you are probably very aware of these ten stereotypes:

1. A field trip to D.C. is just an average class experience.

If you have grown up in the Northern Virginia area, then you are probably aware of the fact that going on trips to the various national museums are just your average second grade excuse to visit the nation's capitol. What many Northern Virginia residents often forget is how going to D.C. is a once in a lifetime opportunity for some students.

2. There are schools everywhere you go.

Going from one place to the next, you're likely to pass at least three elementary schools, if not a couple of middle and high schools, due to the population density. No matter where you go, Northern Virginia is just filled with people. As a student, it is not uncommon to end up going to a school further than the one that's closest to you due to zoning.

3. Playing a sport isn't a hobby, but a religion.

Growing up in NOVA, you are aware of how much pride children and teens take in their sports. More often than not, trying out for high school sports was similar to the Hunger Games where there are so many talented students at one high school and only a roster of 20 for most teams. With the competitive students, growing up in an area where being a well-rounded student is so important, it leads to a high emphasis on being a student-athlete.

4. The high school football rivalry is no joke.

With there being such a high emphasis on high school sports, the rivalry from team to team for Friday night lights for major sports such as football and basketball lead to school pride and extreme competition. Certain nights, such as "Battle of the Burn" or "Crush County" lead to extreme competition and excitement when it comes to game day.

5. When in doubt, turn on Hot 99.5.

If you don't know what you want to listen to, then you have probably turned on "Hot 99.5, D.C.'s top radio station." HOT 99.5 is the station always playing the top music with the local favorite, the Kane Show. Unless you happen to turn on the station for the first or last 15 minutes of the hour, you're doomed to hearing endless advertisements.

6. The food options are endless.

Whether you're In the mood for Subway, Sushi, Korean, or the latest health trend, Northern Virginia has it all. From eco-friendly, vegan, trendy options, to major chains, or just your average local diners, the food options are endless and you know that is something to forever be grateful for. The same goes for grocery shopping, There could never be enough, with options ranging from Wegmans, Costco, Target, Trader Joes and even Whole Foods.

7. We all know those Jiffy Lube Live goers who spontaneously turnĀ  country for the night.

You are probably aware of when a Jiffy Lube Live country concert took place after seeing the endless Instagram posts about going to the concerts, and how much we all love Luke Bryan. Don't get me wrong, country concerts are a fun time, but we all know that NOVA is not actually apart of the south.

8. The public schools are more competitive than the elite private schools.

Growing up in one of the top school systems in the nation was no piece of cake. You have students with Ivy league dreams who put intensive pressure on excelling in order to get into their dream school, and by no means do the parents help on this one. We know you love your children, but I promise if they don't end up at UVA or Ivy League, they are not a failure.

9. The North and South divide.

Sometimes I feel that the Civil War never fully went away, at least for Virginians. When you explain to others that you are from Northern Virginia, you'll probably get told, "You are not from your own state, you know" or you'll simply get that dirty look. Point being, we are all from Virginia and it doesn't matter if you're from the north, south, east, or west. It's one state, so let it be.

10. Having to explain to people where you're from to those outside of Virginia.

No matter who you are or what part of Northern Virginia you're from, it can be extremely frustrating when you travel or meet new people because you have to say you are from outside of D.C so people can understand what the area is like.

At the end of the day, Virginia is Virginia and it shouldn't matter what part you are from.

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