“So are you actually allergic or are you just doing it because it’s trendy?”
The answer to this question honestly doesn't matter. Because people who ask this question don’t actually respect the decision to be gluten free. Even if I’m not allergic, being gluten free is a very healthy lifestyle choice and there are a million reasons why someone could choose to do it.
“What are you doing! You can’t eat that!”
Um actually I can… this is a taco. “NO tacos aren't gluten free you are going to die.” Oh since you are the expert please tell me what part of this isn’t gluten free. The corn tortilla? The meat? The lettuce? Thanks for your concern but I’m pretty sure I know my diet better than you do.
"What happens to you when you eat it?”
If someone is actually intolerant or allergic to gluten there are a few different things that could happen to them. None of these reactions are pleasant and are usually quite embarassing. “Oh I just projectile vomit everywhere. No big deal! It’s so much fun!” So next time save us both the embarassment and skip this question.
“You’re life must suck! You can’t eat __.”
Pizza, beer, pretzels, bread, cookies, cake, you name it. I’ve heard them all. And trust me I am aware that I can’t eat those, and no my life doesn't suck. My life is actually a lot better not eating pizza because I don’t get sick and I cut those calories.
“Is __ gluten free?”
Are green beans gluten free? Is steak gluten free? Are strawberries gluten free? Yes. Yes. Yes. Maybe before you ask me every five seconds which foods are gluten free, you can do a quick google search and learn what gluten actually is. Incase you don’t know, gluten is the proteins in grains like wheat, barley, rye, and oats. So do strawberries have wheat in them? Are green beans a bread product? No? Sweet now you can stop asking.
"Shouldn’t you be super skinny because you are gluten free?”
This question can sound like an insult depending on how it’s phrased. But, no, going gluten free isn’t the secret to being skinny. If it was then everybody would do it. Does it have it’s health benefits? Totally! Avoiding bread products saves you a ton of calories. Yet, most grocery stores carry a gluten free version of their products. So I can still get fat munching on gluten-free brownies and cupcakes.
“I would die without __.”
*Rolls eyes* Unless the answer to the above line is water, then no you won’t. You can go a day without bread, trust me it won’t kill you
“Just have a cheat day.”
You think your boyfriend would be mad if you cheated on him? So will my stomach. How does abdominal pains, vomiting, and exhaustion sound to you? Yeah, that cupcake doesn't sound too good anymore.
“My cousin, brother, neighbor, aunt etc. is gluten free. You should talk to them.”
Oh yeah totally! Lets just bond over our disgusting bathroom habits after eating a slice of cake! So much fun! And not to burst your bubble or anything but there are a lot of people who go gluten free so the fact that you have a GF relative isn’t that exciting.