College is supposed to be some of the best memories you'll ever make in college. And believe me, these past two years have been some of the best ever, but no one ever warned me of the horrors it possessed. Here a few of the things I've experienced and have had to live through so far!
1. When you wake up on a beautiful, sunny, near perfect day only to realize you have an exam you completely forgot about in a few hours.
Because that momentary set of panic, before realizing you don't have time to panic, can really scar you for life.
2. When you go to check your bank account so you can make a REALLY IMPORTANT purchase only to realize you've wasted all your money for this month on Taco Bell (but is it really that big of a loss?)
Who needs textbooks though and mandatory EXPENSIVE online homework when you've got Taco Bell, right?
3. When you attempt to make friends, and your 'friend request' (IRL) is rejected.
I promise I'm not a creep. I'm just sad and alone. And not hitting on you.
4. In the dining hall, you realize not only is your food exceptionally mediocre, but that you'll have to sit ALONE because you have no friends.
And sometimes you even may have friends, they just have other friends or different lunch breaks.
5. Before you realize that your roommates are totally awesome, you probably have a momentary (or summer long) fear that your roommate might try to kill you in your sleep.
Because Leighton Meester totally terrified you in that movie.
6.The red number pops up on Blackboard, and you know a teacher has entered a grade that could save or break you.
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.
7. During class, you're actually paying attention and you have no idea what is being said.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm in my actual class or if I accidentally walked into some foreign language class.
8. Walking in on things you never wanted to see (or can unsee)
No matter how much you wash your eyes out or distract yourself, those memories will come to haunt you later.
9. The week before midterms and finals, because isn't it such a great idea to make everything due all at once?
Turns out running from your responsibilities doesn't work, or that you'll be running for a long time. Honestly, it's no wonder they give us fall/spring break to recuperate from the damage inflicted.
10.When you realize that after college you're supposed to be a functioning adult, but you don't even have the foggiest clue on how to even start.
Because if beautiful and strong Robb Stark still needs his mom, I definitely do as well.