I was a member of Girl Scouts from kindergarten through my senior year of high school (great college resume builder), and in my years of cookie sales, summer camps, event planning, I feel like I truly experienced it all. However it doesn't matter if you were a Girl Scout your whole life, or just a few weeks, you will definitely understand some of the following things.
1. You volunteered your mom to be “Cookie Mom” because you thought it meant you could steal extra boxes of cookies.
Little did you know, it actually meant that you would have to spend hours upon hours sorting through all of the other girls’ orders. Also, your living room probably ended up looking like this.
2. You resent the fact that you can’t put “top cookie seller” on your job resume.
Do employers not recognize that it takes excellent communication skills, strong marketing tactics, and pure hard work to sell 500+ boxes of cookies in four weeks? (writer’s note: if you are a potential employer reading this, yes, I did sell more than 500 boxes of cookies one year. Please hire me).
3. The day after you got your cookie order form was always a race to see who could get to school earliest and get to your teacher first.
“Mom, I know that school doesn’t start until 9, but I have to get there by 8:15, otherwise Ms. Jones will have bought cookies from someone else!”
4. Whenever the idea of camping was thrown out, the question “will it be in a cabin or a tent” was always the deciding factor.
After one soaked tent experience, you will be a cabin camper forever.
5. Going to Girl Scout summer camp was always a great time.
Aside from the mosquito bites and sunburns, you will always cherish your time spent making a ton of new friends and going on adventures. (Photo via @GirlScouts on Instagram)
6. It was an unspoken rule that the girls with the sash wouldn’t stick around for long, and those with the vest were in it for life.
More room for achievements = more commitment.
7. You never understood the concept of “swap” hats.
Sure it made sense to make some sort of pin with your troop’s number on it (the swap), but why would you ever actually wear a hat with a ton of pins on it?!
8. There were two types of scout moms.
There were the ones who maticulously sewed on every new badge and patch within a week of awards night, and the ones who stuck on the new patches and badges with safety pins until they “got around to it."
9. You know the concept of “upselling” that your employer always tells you to use on customers?
Well, you are well versed in it as cookie sales can be cut throat when you are competing for the coveted “top seller” patch. “Would you like a box of Tagalongs to go with those Thin Mints? They really compliment each other, and who doesn’t love peanut butter!”
10. You didn't just learn how to sell cookies.
but you also learned how to plan events, mentor younger girls, and about a million other skills that came along with earning your badges.