Reality is hitting hard now that even the freshman have moved in and the quiet San Marcos has yet again become an array of drunk kids in crazy theme attire. 80's, (like why the hell would anyone want to relive that era), Red White and Booze (okay this one is legendary but over done), and the all too familiar Jersey theme (I literally own enough jerseys to clothe an entire team). Anyways, while those indulge on this week of free booze and cute boys I, for the most part, am reminded of my freshman year and all the memories. Especially the weight (loss/gain), stress, friends I made, the things I learned and the spectacular start of my low immune system. Starting this inedible third week of school makes me so sad that I am no longer one of those sweet, naive, freshman. Sophomore year has become a constant reminder of growing up. It seems impossible to be at this point of my life and it seems even more impossible that some of my sisters, role-models, are actually graduating this year. In order for me to relive the much simpler times I’m going to have a deep trip into nostalgia. So I’m rewinding a year and making a list of 10 things freshman shouldn't take for granted!
1. Living on campus:
I know it might seem crazy because the whole sharing a small space with another person whom you may love or not. Just wait until the days when you live in an apartment so you have to wake up that entire 45 minutes early for class in order to actually get there on time, or in my case 5 minutes late.
2. On campus dining:
Okay granted the food might not be a 5 star meal, but swipes were and still are something I think about every time I pull out my credit card at the on campus Starbucks, or anywhere else for that matter. Despite the use of swipes on campus eating is the quickest way to have a nice meal between your classes. I know I haven’t had lunch once in the two weeks we’ve been in class.
3. Basic Classes:
The most annoying, but the easiest classes that will ever exist. I miss my classes that consisted primarily of busy work that stressed me out for no reason because my professor would have given even the class meathead at least a C. Now while I sit in my 3 hour long classes that are do or die I stress about my future a lot more than whether or not my essay is exactly 1,500 words.
4. Making stupid mistakes:
This ranges from getting lost in a building on campus, to maybe drinking a little too much. I mean a good 85% of the people can assume you a freshman, but no one will penalize you for getting lost in a building. Although I can technically promise this same outcome with the drinking too much part.
5. Living two doors down from your best friends:
Dorm life is cool, but its just that much cooler when you get to live right next to the people who are you best friends. The endless memories made and the sleepless nights that took place will some that you never forget.
6. The people you meet:
These people may not be apart of your life for more than these 4 years, but regardless of the time they remain close with you they bring you so much. They teach you so much about life and culture. They are the people that give you comfort and strength while you're away from home. I remember the people I lived with in the dorms freshman year forever left an impression on my life. I became a better person just from that one year I lived in the best dorm on campus.
7. Free dom:
Leaving home for college was one of the greatest things I’ve ever done. Don’t get me wrong I love my family, like really really really love them, but college is the equivalent of freedom. Which is the perfect way for anyone especially a freshman to really get the hang of this whole responsibility thing.
8. Resources:
RA’s, RD, Peer Mentor’s, Guidance Councilors, ITAC, and the Library writing center are all things every student takes for granted. Just know that your professors care if you use these resources. They want you to succeed so while you think you might be able to handle it on your own this is the year to learn from these resources and educate yourself on how to be prepared for all aspects of your college career. Looking back I wish I would’ve used more of these endless resources and learned a little bit more about how they could've benefited my grades during freshman year.
9. Second chances:
The assistance literally handed out as a freshman is unparalleled to the rest of the “handouts” one might receive during the next years of their college career. By this I mean I will probably never get the same and vast quantities of extra credit opportunities, excused late assignments, oh and non-mandatory attendance. Soak it in while you can because all these second chances become slim to none real quick.
10. Less responsibility:
While Freshman year allows you to the opportunity to live a new life of responsibilities and may make you feel like you’re #adulting its just not the same every year after. While that whole “Im in college I make my own choices” attitude makes you feel important just wait until you start to stare graduation (aka the future) right in the face. I shudder overtime I think I will be in that position just two years from now.
Freshman year might be hard just because of the new atmosphere you’ve now jumped into; however I suggest that you make it count. I can say without a doubt I can look back on my freshman year with no regrets because I learned so much from all of these things that I once took for granted. So here’s to a new year same me mentality that helps me grow and I look forward to seeing just what sophomore year can teach me. Im pretty curious about the many things I might just take for granted this year as well. I am excited to exercise what I learned form this past year and make sophomore year just as memorable as my amazing first year of college.