If you are a college senior like me, you might be in panic mode about graduating. In just a couple of months, you and all of your friends will be moving to different cities to start new lives. You have become comfortable with your college routine that consists of sleeping in, going to class for about three hours a day, working out when you please, and watching way too much Netflix. The real world seems scary. The thought of paying bills, waking up before the sunrise, and sitting at a desk all day makes you consider taking a victory lap and becoming a super senior. Have no fear though, because here are 10 things you can look forward to in your post-graduation life.
1. Not having to study
Yes, working 8-5 might not sound like the best way to spend your Monday-Friday, but the bright side is you won't have to bring books home to study.
2. A real paycheck
Twice a month, some real money you aren't used to seeing will hit your bank account. Yes a majority of it will go towards bills, but now you are working for money, not grades.
3. Getting married and having kids
Whether it is you or your friends, this is a good thing. I'm not saying to rush this right after graduating, but it is fun to celebrate the joy of marriage and children when the time comes.
4. Puppies
You finally will have the time and money to devote to a puppy.
5. Reading
And not textbooks. When you get home from work you will be able to read for pleasure again.
6. Getting to travel
You might have been lucky and gotten to travel in college, but now you have real vacation time and a real savings account to travel to the places your heart has always desired to see.
7. Taking up hobbies
In college you rarely had the opportunity to pursue any hobbies, but now your evenings will be free and you can fill them with whatever activities you please.
8. Financial freedom
This might sound scary, but it will feel great to stop relying on your parents. It will also feel great to finally be able to take them out dinner for once.
9. Eating real food
That real paycheck will allow you to buy real, healthful food. No more ramen noodles and frozen pizzas.
10. A new, mature you
Okay, let's recap; you have money, freedom to do what you want, healthier habits, and hopefully a puppy. All of these new responsibilities and opportunities will lead to a more mature you. You are building your own life. Congrats, you will finally become legit adult.