Brace yourselves. Second semester is upon us. That’s right, the days of carelessly lounging around our parents’ homes are coming to an end. Brush the cookie crumbs off of your Snuggie and wipe the tears out of your eyes, it’s time to start acting like a semi-responsible young adult again. The new semester won’t be all bad, though. Sure, there are days of classes and homework ahead, but heading back to school has its perks. While it may be tempting to let your parents feed you and do your laundry for the rest of your life, there are definitely a few reasons to be pumped about heading back to school:
1. Seeing Your Roommate(s)
HOW DID YOU EVER LIVE WITHOUT THEM? Seriously. Even if you saw them over break, it wasn't the same as living with them. You have grown accustomed to a certain lifestyle. A they're-always-there-for-you-and-will-also-order-food-with-you-late-at-night lifestyle. After a month apart, you're ready to have that lifestyle back.
2. Seeing All of Your Other Friends
Because they are equally as important, despite the fact that you don't sleep within a yard of one another. The group chats over break were fun and all, but things are so much simpler when you're all face-to-face and in the same timezone.
3. Everyone Accepting Your Weird Sleeping Habits
So you go to bed at a time that is technically considered morning rather than night. So you nap a lot. Like, three times a day. This is not acceptable in the real world. But college (we should all be grateful) is not the real world. Take that illogical 12-minute power nap. Go to bed after the sun has risen. Everyone else is doing it, so it's probably fine.
4. And Your Weird Eating Habits
Judging by your lack of a sleep schedule and the fact that you didn't eat breakfast until well after noon, it's really not that illogical to be eating dinner after midnight. And who says you need fruits and veggies with every meal?
5. Always Having Something to Do
It's been fun binge watching Netflix from the comfort of your bed and, if you're feeling extra motivated, your couch. But when you've finished the series finale and you're actually kind of tired of eating cookie butter out of the jar, you start looking for other things to do. Your other friends are back at school already and you're too young to take up macrame and you just don't know what to do. Back at school, however, there is always something going on. Even if it can be stressful at times, having a busy schedule is part of being a student that ensures you're never sitting around.
6. A New Set of Classes and Professors
So your professor last semester was a little crazy. So you missed so many lectures for your history class that your grade was essentially beyond the point of rescue before midterms had even began. This semester is a clean slate! Learn from your mistakes. Or let history repeat itself, just like how you're repeating history. We won't judge (that much).
7. Pizza. Pizza Everywhere.
Sporting events. Clubs. Programs in your dorm. Your friend group hanging out. Being bored and hungry during a late-night Netflix binge session. For some glorious reason, pretty much any activity at school is accompanied by pizza. Usually free pizza. Don't question it. Don't think about your carb intake. Just let it happen.
8. Posts About Something Other Than People's GPA From First Semester
It's cool that you got a 4.0 and all. Your family is proud of you, and so are we. Honestly. But we're also kind of questioning whether or not you're actually human. Posting pictures from your latest weekend adventure featuring your roommates helps ease our suspicions.
9. Wearing Your New Clothes
Whether it be from gift exchanges or shopping sprees over break, chances are your wardrobe got a much-needed upgrade over break. Some could argue that showing off your new outfits is something to get excited about, but we all know the real reason to get pumped is that now you can go even longer without doing laundry before you run out of socially acceptable things to wear.
10. President's Day Weekend
Because while being back at school has its perks, it'll only take one day of classes to have you ready for another break.