Preparing to go off to college can be a very stressful time for everyone in a students family. Whether this is a student's first year or it's their last it won't get easier because there will always be something you need!
Here is a list that I use to help get my basic things for college!
1. Planner
Nothing is better than finding a planner that not only fits your personality but will help you avoid having any late assignments!
2. Coffee/ Coffee Maker
Coffee is the fuel that will get you through every long lecture and exam week so making sure you are set on coffee will help make everyday easier.
3. Colorful Pens
When you're taking notes make sure you use colored pens so then you can focus on those topics before an exam!
5. Lysol Wipes
Germs get thrown around a college campus so easily that making sure you keep everything cleaned.
6. Everything for laundry
This can range from a hamper, dryer sheets and detergent. Doing laundry every few days will allow you to make sure you always have outfit options.
8. Headphones
These are honestly just a life saver when you're walking to class, need to answer a FaceTime in the dining hall or you want to listen to music in the library!
9. Snacks
Make sure you get snacks that are easy to take with you so then you can enjoy them while studying.
10. Everything for good hygiene
If you're in a dorm get SHOWER SHOES, the bathrooms are the nastiest place. Whether you're in an apartment or dorm make sure to always have soap, deodorant, toothbrushes and toothpaste!
Living on your own for the first time is very scary in the sense you can't just go walk in your parents' room at the smallest inconvenience. Ask for help if you need it while getting these 10 essentials!