In light of "Finding Dory" coming out this week, I decided to write a list of things that "Finding Nemo" has taught me about life. So ... without further ado, here are 10 lifelong things I have learned from this classic movie:
1. "Just keep swimming."
The most commonly referenced line with importance beyond measure, teaching viewers of all ages that sometimes you just have to keep swimming. Dory might have just thought that she was simply singing a blissful, catchy song, but there couldn’t have been more encouragement in those three words. The present can be difficult, the future, daunting, but if you feel as if you are wandering aimlessly through the dark, keep moving forward. You will re-emerge in the light. So, just keep swimming — nothing can stop you.
2. Be open-minded to advice from others.
We all saw what happened to Marlin and Dory when they disregarded the warning to swim through the trench and not above. Be open-minded and listen to what people have to say, but be able to differentiate between good and bad advice. Don’t ignore warnings. Readily accept advice from mentors, but also know yourself and what is best for you. So, in conclusion to this lesson, here’s some advice I gathered from this scene: don’t turn away from the darkness that may appear in your life. Sometimes constantly traveling comfortably in light can prove more detrimental than facing challenges. With God’s love and mercy by your side, He’s the only light you would ever need.
3. We all have a “lucky fin.”
We are human. We all have our weaknesses and our flaws, but that makes us all unique and beautiful in our own way. If we were all good at everything, perfect in every way, there would be no individual distinction between us. Nemo’s lucky fin made him stronger. Others who may have thought of him differently and questioned his ability judged him, but he was able to positively present himself, never letting his fin limit his abilities. We are strengthened by our flaws, as odd as that sounds, but being able to embrace ourselves holistically in a positive way makes us more perfect than perfect could ever make us. The lucky comes in when we find ourselves surrounded by people who embrace us, despite our weaknesses, despite our flaws, and see us as God sees us: beautiful.
4. Love your neighbor.
"Fish are friends, not food." Despite our differences, we should all learn to coexist as we currently do. In light of everything that has been happening in our nation, I am one of many voices that propose peace. These past few months have been difficult and there is no ease in alleviating the pain, but we need to start mending the broken hearts. Love thy neighbor and extend a hand, because we are all in need, no matter what the color of our skin is, no matter where our morals lie, no matter our sexual orientation. We all need and deserve to be loved and no one should be attacked for their beliefs. We are Friends, not Food.
5. Sometimes you just need to go with the flow.
As someone who struggles with anxiety, this is one of those "easier said than done" type situations. I worry, a lot, and try to control my surroundings as much as I possibly can, but sometimes it hurts more than it helps. By letting go and letting faith carry you, you, most likely will end up going further than trying to micromanage. Crush nailed it: "Just go with the flow dude."
6. Never forget who you are.
It is no secret that Dory’s memory is not the best, but one thing she could remember was who she was and that is a message we can all take from. Wandering your way through life, you may lose sight of who you are and where you true roots belong. It happens. It’s natural, but always try to find your way back and don’t let the complexity of life deter you from your true self.
7. Loyalty is invaluable.
Dory demonstrates true loyalty throughout the entirety of the movie. Sticking by Marlin’s side as his trusty companion, fighting through every challenge they encounter, demonstrating resilience and perseverance, Dory is the exact model of a true and loyal friend. Watching "Finding Nemo" as a kid, I had only hoped to meet a friend one day that would demonstrate that exact loyalty as well as to present true loyalty to others myself. Loyalty is the most valuable form of currency.
8. Surround yourself with people who make you better.
One of the end narratives by Dory really resonated with me: she was addressing Marlin and how she needed him because, in his presence, she was able to remember more. His companionship and support allowed her to achieve things she wasn't able to before and this simple realization rings true in terms of the relationships that we build. With any relationship, whether it be a friendship or an intimate relationship with a single significant other, surround yourself with people who make you better — who see you for the great that you are, who appreciate and uplift you, bringing you up to your fullest potential. They bring out the God-given gifts that you were handed and show them off for the world to see. They don’t belittle your weaknesses, but rather help to find their place within you and in their presence, you feel unconquerable and loved.
9. Love doesn’t come without some sacrifices.
Love is the biggest blessing, but this blessing doesn’t come without some sacrifices. What makes this so incredible though, is that it doesn’t even seem like a sacrifice. In fact, it almost seems like second nature. Marlin traveling across the ocean to find his son was the most selfless act of love. He sacrificed his time and energy yet didn’t even think twice about what he was doing, because love was the only thing driving him forward. For him, love was more than enough motivation to do so. We sacrifice daily for the ones we cherish, the ones we love, but it is worth it beyond measure because we are simply gifted with the chance to be able to love them.
10. Team work makes the dream work.
Last but not least, yes, teamwork does make the dream work. Watching that last scene where all the fish trapped in that net had to work together to overcome being captured, I realized how successful working together truly is. Cooperation and companionship are key and consistent support throughout our community is exactly what we, as humans, need. Lend a hand to a neighbor, reach out to the friend in need, work together to improve quality of life. These are all imperative, and in order to maximize the potential that this God-given Earth has to offer, putting our heads together and working as one unit is the best way to achieve that.
In conclusion, thank you to Pixar for creating "Finding Nemo," a movie that has taught six year old me some of the greatest things about life that still ring true 13 years later.