aHHH, growing up with strict parents... If only there was a world where parents would let you go out and stay out, have boys over, drink in excess,and... oh wait there are! Cool parents where ya at? If you have strict parents you've DEFINITELY come across these 10 feelings/sayings in your life...
1. When you can never have people over your house, especially boys, because your family will be watching and or being nosey.
2. When you get a bad grade and all hell breaks loose and you're trying to explain to them like:
3. You can't make last minute plans because you have to have at least 3-5 business days to convince your parents.
4. Waiting for your parent who makes the decisions to be in a "good mood" so you can ask them for something.
5. When you've lied so many times to your parents about what you're doing/where you're going, you really just start to lie bout everything. It's a lifestyle!
6. When you say something as a joke, and they lecture you for hours. Daaaamn, let me live!!
7. When you see someone having a sleepover with their boyfriend/girlfriend..???? My parents would whoooop my ass.
8. When your parent asks to talk to the other parents to see if everything is going to be okay and you have to get one of your friends to pretend to be a mom/dad.
9. When they find out you drink/did drugs and they send you to jail
10. When you hear the way your friends talk to their parents and think... If I ever talked to my mom that way... I wouldn't be alive today.
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