1.Don’t yell into the mic.
We have headsets for a reason. The volume can go up and down.
2.If you order more than $30 worth of food please just walk in.
We have other customers who order only 1 or 2 items yet they have to wait for you to get your $45 order.
3.Understand that the order taker may have multiple things going on.
If they ask you to repeat your order, don’t get sassy.
4.Don’t treat us like we are stupid.
Most of us graduated high school and about 30% of us are in or graduated college.
5.When you pull up to order please don’t roll up with music blasting.
It just is unnecessary and makes you seem like an ass.
6.Don’t litter!
I see you when you throw your straw wrappers in the drive thru. After you leave I am the one who has to go out and pick it up.
7. Don't sit at the window checking your order.
If you want to check your order please pull up to the side so the next customer can be helped.
8. Please don't talk on the phone while ordering
If you are on the phone while ordering nicely ask the person you are talking to to hold on while you order
9.Order for your young kids.
I love kids but please don’t let them order.
10.Don’t be rude.
Please and thank you go a long way.