There are plenty of things all of us want to and need to hear regularly. Often, we don't hear them enough. Here's a handful of things that I think everyone should know; words of wisdom, if I do say so myself. Keep this list close!
1. You are amazing: Just think about all the things humans can do...right now, you're breathing, your heart is pumping blood, and your reading and comprehending language, all at the same time! That is AMAZING!
2. You are enough: As long as you're trying to be the best person you can be every day, you are doing enough. Don't compare yourself to those who seem to be luckier than you, because there's someone else who thinks YOU'RE pretty lucky. Anyone who doesn't think you're enough isn't worth your time.
3. You are alive: Every day you're here on Earth is a gift. Use it! Wake up every day realizing how blessed you are to simply be alive! Don't wait until tomorrow to live that piece of cake, tell someone you love them, and never pass up a chance to dress up!
4. You are beautiful: Whether or not you believe in God, you were brought onto this Earth some way and there is no one like you; there never has been and never will be. You were crafted to be beautifully unique, which makes you beautiful!
5. You are NOT your past or anybody else's past: Everyone can change. If you don't like where you are or you want more out of your life than someone else wants for you, YOU are the only person who has the power to change it. Think about that; you have the power to be whatever you want to be. It isn't easy, but it can be done!
6. Things that seem important now may not be important in the big picture: You failed that test, huh? Well it's not going to matter 10 years from now when your done with school and on to bigger and better things. That guy/girl the broke your heart will eventually be a distant memory. Most things heal with time.
7. You are loved: There is SOMEONE out there who cares about you. I promise. Look around, find them, and keep them close.
8. Life is too short to keep around friends who aren't true friends and too precious to deal with drama: Don't feel bad about removing toxic people from your life and avoiding drama. It's much better to spend your emotional energy on family and friends who have proven their loyalty.
9. If you wanna be happy, BE HAPPY: Sometimes, bad things happen. I know from experience that it's too easy to get stuck in that mindset. It creates an ugly cycle of bad things and sadness. YOU have the power to be assertive and take back control of your situation and to move forward and make your life better.
10. There are two sides to every story: It's hard, but before you assume a situation is a certain way, it's best to get to know every side to the story. It's too easy to jump to conclusions and be hurt (and hurt in return) when you don't know the whole story.
Let this list sink in and take the time to truly comprehend it! I certainly hope that someone reading this listicle needed to know something on the list, but at the very least they're all good reminders. Share it with anyone and everyone who might want to read!