No matter how good you are, writing is a constant struggle for everyone. It may start out with a few rough drafts and end with a polished final copy or it might just be last minute procrastination. Everyone has different writing abilities. We all write in our own voices. I believe if you are a writer like me, then you know these 10 struggles to be very true.
1. Having multiple rough drafts.
One rough draft doesn't exist in a writer's world. In order to attempt writing the perfect piece we are constantly editing our work.
2. Always criticizing your own work.
It takes days to for us to actually begin liking our work. We spend all that time tearing our pieces apart. When we read our first draft we're like, "why did I say that" or "that makes no sense."
3. Never wanting to share your work with others.
We're constantly afraid of what others will think of our work.
4. Never wanting others to shame your work.
We don't wanna hear, "I don't like that, fix that, change this."
5. Reading our work out loud to ourselves to hear for mistakes.
Most people don't realize what a difference this makes. When you read your work out loud, you can easily realize how stupid something sounds.
6. Spending a lot of our time in quiet rooms.
We can't write with a crowd of noisy people surrounding us. We need peace and quiet. You can often find us in library's.
7. Being an avid coffee drinker.
Yes, that's right. We love our coffee. A day without coffee is an unsuccessful day. Plus, what else will keep us awake to finish our writing?
8. Being told we won't make any money.
I've had way too many people try to tell me that writers are unsuccessful, they make no money. You won't make any money unless you're the best of the best. Well, listen up people. I love writing and I'm sticking with it.
9. Writing everything down.
Whenever it comes to doing something, we tend to write it down. This can mean making a list of the groceries you need, hearing a phrase you like, or thinking of something you want to write about.
10. Having hundreds of journals.
Literally. Over the years, we've collected journals, writing down our thoughts and stories we've made up.