1. Why is Wilson Hall so complicated to navigate? Even as a senior, I still get lost in Wilson. As a freshman, I was warned about the unnecessary complexity of the building, was laughed at by upperclassman for my confused looks on the first day of school and walked and rewalked the whole hall before finding my classroom. #annoying.
2. What is the purpose of the Noodle? Honestly, no clue. Ask an engineering student?
3. Why don't half the champ change machines work? Nothing is worse than as a freshman expecting you'll get rewarded for your time in the library with a shot at free tuition - or something significantly less extravagant - than come to find out, the machine wasn't recording those late night study sessions on the 2nd floor.
4. Why don't people understand the quiet rules of the library?If you want to talk, be on the 1st or 2nd floor....If you want silence, hang out on the 3rd or 4th floor. But for the sake of all things holy, don't complain about the noise on the 2nd floor, and PLEASE don't talk on the upper floors. It's rude.
5. Why did I spend $100 on a textbook, only to get back $4.82? Simple. Greed.
6. Why does the Union Market have limited hours? Sometimes, its 3:30 and you just really want a burger, okay?
7. Why is the coffee different at the SRO and Brewed Awakening? I am a fan of Italian Sodas - At the Brewed Awakening, they come with ice cubes, while at the SRO they come with crushed ice.....Weird.
8. Why is Greek Life so small? Anyone who's anyone has been to a frat party at Sigma Chi or PIKE, and they know there are far more people who are interested in the nightlife scene, than there are in the actual Greek system. MSU has 7 fraternities and 4 sororities - Why so small?!
9. Where are the owls that live in Montana Hall? Maybe it's just me, but I haven't seen the owls in a good year and a half. Did they leave, or am I just blind?
10. WHY ON EARTH IS THERE NO PARKING?!?!? Why the actual hell did we decide a parking garage would be a good idea? I mean, yeah the concept is great - but limiting the type of parking passes who are allowed to park in the garage is ridiculous. Maybe MSU should consider what other Universities do, and not allow freshman to bring their cars. Yeah it would piss a lot of people off, but it would certainly fix our parking problem.