More and more women are transitioning to natural and saying goodbye to chemicals, heat, and damaging products for their hair. Natural hair is beautiful in all forms and there are so many styles and products that are available. Whether you're just transitioning or if you've been natural your whole life there are some things you learn along the way.
1. The weather can be your best friend or worst enemy.
The weather determines what hairstyle you can wear without your hair turning into a puffball. Before deciding on how we’re going to wear our hair we’ll probably check the weather.
2. Protective styles save the day.
A protective style is protecting the hair from over-manipulation and chemical and environmental elements. It’s perfect for lazy days and gives your hair a break. Flat twists, bantu knots, braids, and buns are just a few styles that protect your natural hair.
3. Hair products that actually work for your hair type.
Every time you go shopping it seems they add even more hair products just for us natural girls. There’s a multicultural hair section at Target filled with the latest products designed for natural hair.
4. The last time you washed your hair.
Wash day is a process and you have to schedule in extra time for it. You have to deep condition, detangle, cleanse, condition, moisturize and style your hair, and depending on the length and curl pattern, this can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour or two.
5. Youtubers with natural hair.
Curly Nikki, Sun Kiss Alba, Natural Neiicey, and Naptural85 are just a few natural hair gurus on Youtube you can watch for inspiration and ideas on how to take care of your curls.
6. Their curl pattern.
Curl patterns are different and range from 3A to 4C, and you might even have a mixture of a few. Curls are so unique and each texture needs something different to make it healthy.
7. Coconut oil solves everything.
Coconut oil is the best for all hair types but especially for natural hair. It’s naturally antibacterial and locks in moisture and keeps your hair strands healthy.
8. People will touch your hair without asking.
It depends on who you ask but many girls with natural hair do not like when people just touch their hair, it disrupts the natural curl pattern and creates frizz which they probably spent all morning trying to avoid. Others view it as a learning experience for people who don’t have curly hair and embrace it. It’s best to ask someone if you can touch their hair, and if they say no, respect their wishes.
9. Brushes are not our friends.
If we tried to brush our hair dry our hair would look like a lion’s mane. The best way to detangle hair is when it’s soaking wet with conditioner in it and using a wide-toothed comb or paddle brush to get rid of all the knots and tangles. Or, if you do brush it dry, soak it in coconut oil to soften your strands and prevent breakage.