10 Things You Do If You're A Dog Mom
1. Upload a billion Instagram pictures/stories.
You want to apologize to all of the people following you that inevitably get annoyed, but I mean….all the cuteness! How can you resist??
2. Buy them cute bandanas/clothing.
If your dog is anything like my dog…they won’t wear it. But you still attempt it just for the sake of one cute picture.
3. Talk to them like they’re your child.
I like to think they can understand most of what we’re saying. Makes me feel less crazy, anyway.
4. Give them kisses on their fuzzy puppy ears.
And all the cuddles! My dog weighs 50 pounds but this doesn’t stop her from curling up on my lap every chance she gets.
5. Bring them up in every conversation with your relatives like they’re your actual baby.
Nothing like a dog story to break the ice! It’s always fun to share the most recent crazy thing your dog has done to get a laugh, even if it so wasn’t funny when it happened.
6. Steer conversations away from the topic of having an actual baby with funny anecdotes about your dog.
Like I said before- fun and also a very good defense mechanism.
7. Pull their treats out of your purse at the most opportune moment.
The #1 way to feel like a dog mom is to actually have supplies in your purse for when you’re out and about with your pup. No shame in being prepared.
8. Apologize to other people about your dog’s behavior when they’re being crazy.
Nothing more awkward than when your dog excitedly jumps on someone who clearly isn’t a dog person (crazy, right?). Your embarrassed apologies almost make up for your dog’s lack of manners. (I speak from experience, clearly.)
9. Put them in the car and take them places with you, even if it’s just down the street to get the mail.
It’s nice to have company, you know?
10. Spend outrageous amounts of money on them.
If you’re like me, you’re ashamed of how much you’ve dropped on them…it’s okay, we don’t have to talk about it.
But let's be honest...you couldn't live without them!