Freshman year is a year of firsts especially going to the greatest school ever. The best part of freshman year is that you get to experience everything for the first time, so just do everything. #noragrats
1. Go to Welcome Week
You may think you are "too cool" to wait in line for the photo booth, to get a snowball, to go to the movie in the Grove, or to go to the dance party, but you're not. It may be totally weird and awkward, but you will meet some really cool people and if not you and your friends can laugh about it sophomore year.
2. Climb the Phi Mu fountain
This one is a given, but some people are too afraid. And when I say climb the Phi Mu fountain, I don't just mean stand in it, I mean get your butt up to the first or second bowl and take a picture. You will scrape your knees, you will struggle to get down, you will get soaking wet, you will awkwardly wave someone down to take your picture, but you will have a blast.
3. Sneak onto the field
Suggestion: do it after football season. You are less likely to get caught and they really could care less after football season. Find a way and just do it.
4. Visit the tunnels
This one is a personal favorite. Find an older friend or someone who knows where the tunnels are and go visit. One: it gives you a huge adrenaline rush, and two: the history behind the tunnels, as sad as it is, is a huge part of Ole Miss that you should really learn about.
5. Doorknob to the Universe
I've said too much already. Go up to an older friend and they will take care of the rest.
6. Meet everyone on your floor
Not the most exciting thing on the list, but probably the most important. I speak for everyone when I say it is extremely awkward when you ask someone what floor they are on and they say yours and you have no idea who they are. Besides that, you will meet some of the greatest people in the world; it is where I met two of my best friends.
7. Try to go to every single sport
I sadly failed at this my first year and I really regret it. Nothing is more exciting than a football or baseball game, but all the other sports need some love too. Not to mention the men's tennis team at Ole Miss is extremely attractive. Support your friends, check out a new sport, meet a cute guy, or just experience something new!
8. Go to Field Parties
This should be an obvious one, but I still want to point it out. I failed to go to majority of the field parties and I regret it. Nothing is better than freezing your butt off in a field with friends, sliding around mud with friends, or just being able to dress like a red neck without any judgment. Field parties are also not as much fun when you are a junior or a senior, so go while you can.
9. Shots on Faulkner's grave
Since most freshmen are not 21, I am not saying it should be whiskey but... Don't get caught please.
10. Eat chicken on a stick
It's delicious, it's food, it's part of the freshmen way, so just try it. Hit up the gas station after a night out and check it off your list!
Now I know I am missing many more things you should do your freshman year, but my point is that freshman year is the time to do everything. You meet new people, your course load isn't that hard yet, and you get to experience everything for the first time. As a freshman, never say no to any new experience... unless it's drugs then say no.