The Desperate Housewives of Wisteria Lane are notorious for their flings, fights fortunes. This television show is more than entertainment on TV, it's a way of life. If you're like me, you watched "Desperate Housewives" when it aired on television at the super mature age of 10 (probably not a child-friendly show, Mom) and then again when Netflix ever so graciously decided to put the series on so we could all binge watch it again, at the more appropriate age of 18. I’ve loved this show for all of my life and recently just started watching again, shootout to Hulu, and it got me thinking about all of the life lessons that I’ve learned through the hours spent obsessing over this show.
If there’s one thing I learned from Gabrielle Solis it’s how to make an entrance. Her self-confidence makes her an idol and she knows it. She can light up any room she walks into and turns heads everywhere she walks. She is who she is and does not apologize for it. She also taught us that it’s okay to love yourself, in fact she deemed it necessary for a happy life.
Your girlfriends are your soul mates.
"Desperate Housewives" taught us all that good friendship is the most priceless thing in the world. The characters go through many hardships and they heal each other with friendship and of course there’s the art of good old fashion gossip.
Money isn’t everything.
Though "Desperate Housewives" showcases many materialistic things it also shows that love and happiness are not in the things we have but the people we share our lives.
Life doesn’t always turn out the way you plan.
It’s okay to not have things go your way, the housewives are the first to show us that life doesn’t always go as planned, there are many obstacles sometimes and the path you think you will take may end up the wrong one.
The art of blackmail.
If the ladies of Wisteria Lane know anything, it's how to keep a secret.
Sometimes you can't do it all.
Housewife-ing is a full-time job and sometimes there aren’t enough hours in a day. This show taught us that it’s okay not to be okay and to not be perfect all the time. Life can get hard that’s inevitable.
A little bit of unconventional parenting.
These are the women that jump into pools with full makeup and hair to drag their naughty twins out, use their son to lure in a potential mate and bribe judges so their child wins a pageant. A little different but hey, it works.
How to deal with heartbreak.
Two words: Food and booze.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
Or something like that.