If you're anything like me, makeup and other beauty products are a very important part of your daily routine. However, how much do you really know about those products you are using and whether you're using them correctly? Here are 10 things about beauty products that you probably didn't know!
1. Mascara actually does go bad. If that mascara is over 3 months old, it's time to invest in a new bottle.
2. Sleeping with mascara on can cause your eyelashes to break. Another reason why washing your face every night is a must!
3. Foundation should be tested on your jaw line, not your hand. If foundation is being applied to the face, why would it make any sense to test it on the back of the hand?
4. Don't apply foundation to your entire face. I know I'm guilty of this one! Foundation should be focused on problem areas such as blemishes, under the eyes, the T-zone, and around the nose. Anywhere else should be left foundation free!
5. Not applying a white base before a vibrant eye shadow. Ever wonder why that bright purple eye shadow looks much better in the pallet? This simple trick will give you the result you're looking for!
6. Fish scales are used in some products. Ever wonder where your nail polish gets its shimmer from? There's a good chance it contains some fish scales.
7. Ambergris can be found in perfumes. This ingredient is so popular in the fragrance industry because it is said to make the perfume last longer. So what is ambergris? An excretion from the digestive system of a whale.
8. You're never too young to invest in some anti-aging products. According to Doctor Tabor in an article on shape, "a 20 year old loses collagen in her face at the same rate as a 40 year old". However, by starting your use of these products early, you can delay this as well as other signs of aging.
9. Beauty spatulas. Tired of leaving that little bit of lotion or nail polish at the bottom of the bottle when you toss it? This product will make sure you get your money's worth!
10. According to InStyle, the average woman spends $15,000 dollars on beauty products during her lifetime. If we're making this big of an investment on something, shouldn't we be informed on what exactly we are buying?