When going into your next year in college, there is a lot of planning that takes place, and a lot of it involves looking for what your schedule is to be like for the next semester. And while planning to make sure all of your classes you want are available, and that you manage to avoid Friday classes, there are a few key things to keep in mind.
1.) Make sure you have breaks in between classes.
By going from class to class with no time in between, it can exhaust you very quickly, which makes going to other activities much more difficult. And while you may end on the earlier side of the day, you may feel rushed to get everything done, which will create more stress. Which is highly unnecessary.
2.) Don't take too many classes in one day.
Again, taking too many classes in one day can be absolutely exhausting, all the while, makes it much harder for club activities and keeping yourself sane. This doesn't limit the amount of classes you take though, just make sure you're actually prepared for the work load you accept.
3.) Make sure you have an assortment of teachers.
It's not always fun when you have the same teacher two classes in a row, so they call you out in your class about last class. Plus it's always good to get to know as many people as possible. Yes, even the teachers.
4.) Take as close to full credits as possible.
While you want to make sure you have enough time for other things, you don't want to have so much time that feel like your missing out.
5.) Avoid the 8 am.
Let's face it, you're not going to want to get up that early. The 8 am becomes the most dreaded thing, unless you're absolutely sure you're a morning person.
6.) Follow your advisor's advice of what is a freshman, sophomore, junior level course.
You don't want to over do it too soon, and you don't want to fall behind either. So it is best to follow what your advisor has to offer. You may not like what they have to say, but they are trying to help you the best they can.
7.) Plan your class schedule for every semester.
By doing this you can map out just how long you'll need to be in classes. And if you plan it correctly you can even arrange to graduate early.
8.) Consider taking summer and winter courses.
While it may look like extra money, if your senior year plans to only be three classes, you can save an entire semester worth of money and graduate early.
9.) Have a back up plan.
If you go to a big school, or just a school with limited courses and seats, keep in mind the fill up fast and you may not get into the class you want, so instead of panicking, make sure you have a worthy back up plan.
10.) Like your classes.
It is okay to decide to drop a course or even withdraw, and as much as you may hate a required course, you can always find a way to enjoy it the best you can.