As summer comes to a close and students converge back to their college towns, everyone prepares to re-enter the scholastic world in their own way. Some will party hard with friends they haven't seen in three months, while others will move into new homes and nervously prepare for classes. Regardless, there are 10 things every college student will think between now and next Monday:
1. What classes am I taking?
Registration was way back in April, who knows what I agreed to then.
2. Where the hell is my backpack/student ID/random school item?
Buried on the forgotten island with the heart of Davey Jones.
3. Why am I taking 8 am's?
It seemed like a good idea at the time...
4. Who's back in town?
I haven't seen any Rams all summer!
5. Where is the Gifford building?
It doesn't matter if you're a freshman or a senior; if it's not in Clark A 101, it's clearly in a vortex far far away.
6. What will my final summer hurrah be?
Everyone needs to close out summer with a bang; what will yours be?
7. Will I need all these textbooks?
Should I do textbook reservations? Will I really use ALL of them?
8. Should I bother buying a parking pass?
Rumor has it there have already been more passes sold than there are spaces, so what's the point?
9. Did tuition go up again?
Well, back to the ramen diet.
10. I love this school.
By now summer has washed away the stress of finals and the memories of boring professors, leaving behind only the happy memories of your wonderful school. So get ready Rams, it's almost time to head back. Enjoy your last few days of fun in the sun; syllabus week starts Monday!