Either you have already taken all of your finals for the year or just about to start there are things that students need to help them study. For me personally, after two years of college finals I've learned some major things many need and use for dead week to study for the impossible finals that professors give.
Technology: You always need your computer, phone, and sometimes tablet for studying and looking up information purposes or just to jam out while studying your notes.
Chargers: You never want to go anywhere without your chargers in case your technology dies and its so important.
Sticky Notes: These help you put them everywhere to remember the important things such as what time your finals are.
Colorful Pens: Your brain will remember things easier if things are organized in groups of colors. This helps when studying for the memorization.
Headphones: These are life savers when in the library and you are wanting to jam out or even need the relaxing music to help studying.
Comfy Clothes: No one wants to study in jeans and a nice shirt with a full face of makeup, wear those shorts or leggings with a baggy shirt and don't bother to do makeup because no on cares during final week. Everyone is going through the same thing.
Candy: Your favorite candy or snack will help you study in certain ways if you are smart and make yourself goals to read so much before you can eat them.
Drink of Choice: While reading and going over notes can make some one thirsty at some point, bring your favorite drink.
Friends: Your squad can help you out by studying or even distracting you for a bit to give you a break from all the books your head has been in all day.
Favorite Studying Spot: Weather its the library corner of the mystery section, your bed, a friends couch, or even a coffee shop being in your spot can help you focus during those tough times.
Hope some of these things have helped you be prepared for the finals this semester and or to be ready for next year. Good luck to everyone on their final exams throughout the years.