When college students make the wise decision of taking a summer class to help them graduate on time, they give up the wonderful gifts that summer brings. Students who take summer classes have the strongest willpower out of any student. I have a total newfound respect for students who take summer classes.This is the first (and last) time I am taking a summer class and it is challenging and grueling. Time seems to stop and the class drags on much longer than you think or want it to. Here are 10 things I know I and any other student taking a summer class wish they were doing instead of being in the classroom...
1.Sleeping in:
Having a summer class ruins any one on one time that you wanted to spend with your bed, i.e. sleeping in. Your sleep is not valued and does not matter when you are taking a summer class.
2. Going to the beach:
What is better than waking up and immediately going to the beach to relax and tan all day?- Nothing. Being in a summer class is actual torture. When you are in class getting a 2 ½ hr lecture you could be laying on the beach instead.
3. Going on vacation:
Summer classes essentially ruin any hopes or chances of going somewhere exotic or roadtripping throughout the U.S..
4. Staying out late:
Summer classes essentially also ruin you staying out late at night with your friends on the beach or in general. You could always stay out late, but then run the risk of being a zombie the next day.
5. Going to a concert:
From Firefly to Warped Tour, these concerts are the ones you look forward to are cut short due to attending a summer class.
6. Camping:
Camping is ideal in the summer, but cannot happen realistically happen due to summer classes.
7. Hiking:
Hiking is a hobby that usually requires a couple hours of your day. From driving to a trail, to then actually hiking the distance and then returning, takes a chunk out of your day. By the time you get out of your summer class there is not enough time to hike.
8. Kayaking:
The summertime is perfect for kayaking in the ocean, to the bay, to a river, or even a lake. Yet just another great past time that summer classes takes you away from.
9. Working:
Now while working may not be the funnest activity to do in the summertime, college students need to work to save up money for the upcoming year. Summer classes take a big chunk of time, which means less time to work, which ultimately means less cash for the upcoming year.
10. Hanging out with your friends:
Summer classes also take away time from your friends who are home for just the summer.
To all the students who are taking summer classes right now, hang in there, it will be over soon.