Being a college student is a full-time job all on its own. But, if you have a part-time or even a full-time job outside of your full-time college job, then you know the true struggle. You catch yourself being jealous because the majority of your friends do not have to work. While it is nice having some mad cash for those life necessities: Chick fil-a, Taco Bell, Sephora...I mean bills, rent, electric, school books, gas, groceries, and medicine...The list goes on and on! It would certainly be nice if being a college student was your only job. However, life does not work that way. I am not saying I hate my job, I love working and being independent. But sometimes it gets the best of me, especially when I forget to study for a test because I was at work all night and all I could think about was getting in bed so I could have a restful nights sleep because I have an 8'oclock class the next morning.
If college is not your only job, then you can relate to these things on a personal level:
1. You often times feel as if you are missing out on the “true college experience.”
2. Having to cancel plans because you have to work an extra shift.
3. You wish you were born into a rich family or had that rich uncle everyone talks about!
4. Wishing you could sleep in on the weekends. Wait, what is sleeping in anyways?
5. Looking like a raccoon with dark circles under your eyes from lack of sleep.
6. Waking up on those early morning shifts and question how you are even able to function?
7. Forgetting to complete assignments or readings because guess what? You were at work.
8. Missing out on college breaks because work does not take breaks.
9. Having the responsibility of paying for your own stuff!
10. Seeing your friends post on social media about the fun day they had while you were at work.
At the end of the day, you know you have to work, but you wish you had more time to be engaged as a college student.
Hats off to those who hold a job and go to school full-time, it isn't always easy but it will be worth it in the end!