College is great, but there's just something about sleeping in your own room, driving down the streets you know by heart and eating all your favorite local and homemade food. Coming home from college is definitely a treat, but there's one thing no one can deny: college makes you appreciate home, but home definitely makes you appreciate college.
Like my great pal F. Scott Fitzgerald once said, "It's a funny thing coming home. Nothing changes. Everything looks the same, feels the same. You realize what's changed is you."
In other words, we all face these horrifying truths when coming home for a break during our great collegiate years:
1. This place looks all too familiar...
...and suddenly senior year feels like it was six years ago, not six months ago
2. I wonder what my friends from high school are up to nowadays
Did they meet a lot of new people and make a ton of new friends at their school? Did she ever change her major like she wanted to? Do they get enough sleep and have their lives together and organized more than I do? Lol, probably
3. I wonder what the rest of my high school class is up to
Hold up lemme just scroll through Instagram to see if anyone's married or pregnant yet
4. Please God don't let me actually run into anyone from my high school class while I'm home
Let's just avoid this awkward for as long as possible plz & thnk u.
5. No but forreal how does this place look literally EXACTLY the same as when I left it in August??
That cop that would always sit in that one parking lot off the side of the road? He still sits there. Your favorite local restaurants and chains you don't have in your college town? They're still here. The football games you would spend ever Friday night cheering your heart out at? They still happen, every Friday in the fall.
6. I can't wait to see my dog
Please just leave me alone with my favorite family member while we snuggle because it's been a long couple of months being separated
I need to nap a little bit. And by a little bit, I mean 48 hours of uninterrupted sleep
8. Give me ALL the homemade food!!!