With halloween now safely under our belt, it seems as though the winter holiday season is fast approaching. As a college student, there is so much to look forward to. Here are the top 10 things that every college kid misses and cant wait to come home to on break.
1. Their own bed
I am way too excited about sleeping in my own bed again. Only 14 days left. Not that I'm counting or anything...
2. Home-cooked food
You can only eat a dining hall so many times before it becomes the most boring thing to ever hit your tastebuds. I have only been here for 3 months and I have a new found appreciation for my mom's food.
3. Quality time with friends from home
This is something I am so excited about, actually being able to hang out with your friends,in person rather than on FaceTime. It will be a little surreal, but i cant wait!!!!
4. not having to wear shower shoes.
I probably will forget and go to put my flip flops on once I am home. Actually being able to go into a shower, with no shoes, and not be scared you will get a weird fungus is a going to be a blessing.
5. Spending time with the fam.
It is the main reason you will be going home, and I don't know about you but I have missed my family more than i thought i would these past few months. Even though I am sure we will start to annoy each other after a few days, it will be good to be all together again.
6. Their room
You don't appreciate it until you are living with another person for the first time. For those of you who had to share a room growing up, I am so sorry.
7. Driving around by yourself
I don't want to EVER want to have to check the bus app again, 99% of the time its wrong anyway. not having to rely on a bus or having to walk 80 miles in a day, will be extremely lit.
8. Visiting your old high school
It's weird but its one of the things i am most looking forward to. I want to go back and walk the halls where I used attend everyday, even though It will probably make me feel like I am old AF.
9. Free laundry
i don't know about any other school.. but laundry is $1.25 for every wash and dry. if you think I am not taking advantage of a free laundry machine in my basement, you're lying to your self.
10. Sleep
Sleeping and eating are a college kid's favorite pastimes. To be able to actually sleep in, in your own bed, it will be a dream.
Even though college has been an amazing experience so far, we are all very excited to finally be able to go home for an extended period of time.