At first, having a job that involves instructing children may be a little bit of a struggle for anyone. Having patience and tolerance towards little ones unintentional disobedience can be extremely stressful and exhausting. However, kids are the most innocent people out there in the world -- not having as experienced as much life as the rest of us.
Ironically, even though I thought I'd end up teaching the kids [background: I coached kids for a soccer season] so much: I think they ended up teaching me more unknowingly. Here's a few things that working with young children taught me in such a short period of time.
1.) They see life in a more positive light.
Kids are often pointing out the optimistic sides in situations; whereas, the older I become the harder this is to do. Being around kids who are constantly smiling and not worrying about problems can allow this mindset to rub off on you.
2.) They SMILE more often.
After all, who wants to have permanent crease's on their face from frowning so much?
3.) They don't discriminate.
All those ideals you've been influenced from society, don't exist in a child's head. We can learn wonderful things by consciously trying not to discriminate against any person different from us.
4.) They're 100% themselves.
Since they haven't figured out who they are -- they're genuinely doing what they want and not focusing on what others are doing. It's neat how a child may not know much, but has a mind of their own completely.
5.) They are willing to learn.
Children haven't closed off all ideas that they don't agree with yet. Their open mind lets them expand their opinions and learn as much as they can.
6.) They're active and playful.
Remember how much you used to love swinging at the playground or running around your neighborhood with your buddies? They show us it's important to go out and experience outdoors without worrying about anything else.
7.) They see the best in people.
After going through tough circumstances in life, it's extremely hard to have faith that people are still good. However, children give each person they encounter a fair chance to see positive sides of them.
8.) They give without expecting something in return.
There's countless times where kids will give out compliments, gifts, or little cute glances without expecting anything back. They're just doing it out of the goodness in their hearts.
9.) They're honest and truthful.
Kids have a tendency to be almost too blunt and say whatever is on their mind. However, they don't go out of their way to lie (unless it's about getting cooties from kissing that one girl).
10.) They dream big.
How many adults do you know that've lost the passion and hopes of doing something they've always wanted to do? Children remind us that there's always hope to fulfill our dreams, even when we have doubts.
Working with children is an incredibly life changing job that I highly recommend to anyone who hasn't yet. It'll help shape you as a person; because, it'd be a wonderful world if we all saw it through a child's eyes.