In recent weeks, I decided to poll chapter presidents on what it is that really grinds their gears. And the results? Well, they're really not that surprising at all. Honestly, anyone who is willing to try to be in the shoes of their chapter's president could figure out very quickly what would make them tick.
1. Dirty social media.
As sorority women and fraternity men, we're already getting beef for being "irresponsible and drunk all the time," so why give people even more reason to categorize us as the stereotypical "frat boys and srat girls?" If you're not 21, obviously no red cups in your pics, and if you are 21, just make sure you look coherent, OK? This goes for anything from Instagram to Snapchat. Come on, people.
2. Trying to get out of chapter.
You know the proper ways to get out of chapter — whether it's submitting an excuse a week in advance or filling out an excuses survey, just do it when you're supposed to. Just because you're BFFLs with your chapter president or your excuses chair does not mean you get any special treatment.
3. The phrase "one of your girls..."
You know whatever is following a sentence that starts with that cannot be good...
4. Inappropriate attire.
You dress to pin for formal chapter, and you dress to letters for informal chapter. You never wear booty shorts with your letters. And if you're not comfortable wearing it in front of your dad, just save your exec board the trouble of having to confront you and don't wear it.
5. "Will I be fined?"
If we fined you for everything, would it make you want to do it any more than you do now? I mean if we need to put a fine on everything, we will. Or you could just show up, do what you're expected to do and move on with life. Simple.
6. Attendance.
Unless you have a legitimate excuse (no, "I'm hungover" doesn't count), you're expected to show up to chapter, ritual, philanthropies, officer meetings and Panhellenic/IFC events. You can take 30 minutes out of your day once every week. It's not hard, people.
7. The day after a date party.
So many things can happen in one night. The possibilities are endless. And the aftermath is sometimes the worst part — emails from advisers, text messages from sisters/brothers asking what the heck happened last night, phone calls from the venue of the date party.
8. Distractions during chapter.
If you can't go an hour without looking at your phone, checking your email or having side conversations during chapter, you've got another thing comin'. Seriously, one hour of your time (barely), and people can't pay attention (or even pretend to pay attention)? Just put your phone away or leave it in your car. Problem solved. Also, don't give us attitude when you're called out during chapter. You set yourself up for it.
9. Unnecessary questions.
Don't ask questions that have already been answered multiple times. Maybe if people would just get off their phones at chapter, there would be less confusion in the world. Yes, chapter is on Sunday. Yes, initiation is mandatory. Yes, Billhighway is due at the end of the month. After your first semester as a new member, these should all be second nature to you by now. And if they're not, read your emails!
10. The line "I'm too busy."
You think you're too busy? What do you think we are? College dropouts who have no classes or responsibilities? No. We are in 15+ credits every semester; we are sometimes overly involved; we get called into random meetings every week; we deal with housing issues on the reg; and on top of all of that — we're responsible for 200+ chapter members. If we can make it to chapter, so can you.