I am that girl who is always happy when I have a book in my hand. I love going into the worlds of my characters in my books and escape the real world as soon as I read the words on a page. I came with ten things everybody who loves reading will understand.
1. The struggle of waiting for the next book to come out
You get to the end of the book and those dreaded words say the next book won't come out until a year and a half later. You have invested your entire heart and soul into the book and your only reaction is:
2. The book is ALWAYS better than the movie.
Those people out there are saying how wonderful the movie is. You just stand there and roll your eyes, while you are definitely thinking that the book is so much better. When you see the movie you can't help but mentally correct everything that is wrong in the movie.
3. Realizing the series/book is over
You turn to the last page and realize the book is over. You are not quite emotionally stable to start a new book yet. Now what are you supposed to do with your life?
4. The trauma of a character's death
All the sudden you're reading and the author kills off your favorite character without any prior notice. This character felt like your best friend. So you just sit there like:
Nobody understands what you feel, so you walk around in a fog for a few days wondering what happened.
5. Having to be dragged out of Barnes and Noble
The feeling of agony when your friends want to go to a different store other than Barnes and Noble and you haven't even looked through all the sections yet.
6. Instantly bonding with somebody over a book
Them: "What have you been reading lately?"
You: "Harry Potter."
Them: "Oh my gosh! You love Harry Potter too!"
7. Not having enough shelf space for books
You still buy that book even though your shelves are so full , so you to find alternative places to put them. You even get asked, "Do you have room to fit all of those on your shelves?"
8. Learning to ignore people, so that you can read
You learn very early on how to block out noise such as voices and TV so that you can read anywhere and anytime you want to. It takes almost five or six times for somebody to get your attention while you're reading.
9. Somebody tries to talk to you while you are reading
Somebody tries to have a conversation with you while reading a book. Even though you have mastered the art of ignoring, they just will not leave you alone.
10. Having that one book that you will reread again and again
Everybody has that favorite book that they will read over and over no matter how many times they have read it. It's a comfort book that will always make you happy everytime you read it. Whether it be romance or action packed, you are always more than willing to take a step into that world.