"Wow, how do you do it?"
If you are a biology major, you understand the struggle of hearing this question every time you tell someone your major. How do we do it? Here are 10 things all biology majors know are true.
1. Going Out
One of the best parts of college is being able to go out on weekends, and not only that but weekdays. As a science major, there is no way that you can go out every single time your friends ask. With all the tests, quizzes, and assignments, you know the struggle of having to say no. Like any college student, saying no to going out to the weekly beer pong tournament is nearly impossible. Yet, worth it.
2. Procrastinating
There is no such thing as doing an assignment the day before it is due. Like so many other majors, there is no way to put off a project in order to go shopping or somewhere else that you'd rather be... like getting a tooth pulled for example.
3. Studying
Studying does not happen the night before an exam or quiz. It needs to happen at least a week before. Any other major is going to look at you like you are crazy once you tell them this. However, keep the studying going, because that A is not easy to get.
4. Office Hours
There are so many students that would rather do anything than meet with their professor outside of class. If you are any type of biology major, you know those office hours are a gift before an exam.
5. Papers are a Gift
Not research papers, but any type of little paper would be 10x better than the biweekly exams that are typical in any science classes.
6. There's No Buffer
Having a homework grade and extra assignments to boost your grade are awesome. Especially with all the exams in college. Yet, if you are in many science classes, you will have about four exams and a weekly quiz making up your grade instead. Woohoo!
7. All Assignments Are Mandatory
There is no such thing as 'I'll just do the next assignment.' Any points, no matter how hard the task, becomes a mandatory thing to accomplish. Giving up on any points is like giving up on your whole grade.
8. Skipping Class Can't Happen
No matter what fun went on the night before, going to all and any class is required. Even though it's really not. Missing one day of a major class can put you behind.
9. It's Not Just Lab
Even though there is a maximum amount of classes you can take, you will always be taking more. Having a full four class schedule means you can actually have eight classes -- due to labs. "It's just a lab" is never a good thing to say to a science major.
10. It is Worth it
No matter how hard it is to get this degree, and no matter what you give up in the process, it will all come back to you after you succeed and walk across the stage. Enjoy the fact that your major makes people cringe while you can because as soon as you graduate, your job only can get harder.