Every year lent comes around and the big question is: What should I give up for the next 40 days? And every year I struggle with coming up with an answer for this question.
Chocolate, pop and junk food are always the easy go-to's but most of us attempt to give up these items year after year. This year is you're trying to mix it up stray away from giving up your favorite food or the "easy stuff". Let the next forty days contribute to a positive turn around in your life and consider changing or giving up the next 10 things.
1. Negative thoughts
Do your best to cut the word "can't" out of your vocabulary. "I CAN'T make it through this week", "I CAN'T do work today", "I CAN'T workout". Stop putting yourself down before something bad happens and realize that every day you tackle tasks that you once thought were impossible. Being more positive can help bring more positivity into your life and help convince yourself that you CAN.
2. Social media
Most of the time social media causes us to compare every aspect of our lives to others. It gives us the gut-wrenching feeling that we're missing out on something but not being able to figure out what it is. We see Jimmy got a new job, Katie got engaged and Melissa just had twins. Most of the time seeing these posts make us question our own lives. Delete Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and focus on yourself. Realize that your life has its own perks that you should be proud of.
3. Texting and driving
Admit it, everyone does it and you've probably convinced yourself that you'll never get in an accident because of it. Lent is a perfect time to rid yourself of bad habits and probably one of the worst and most universal bad habits is texting and driving. Do your best to put your phone away and not look at it until you get to your destination (even at red lights).
4. Smile at strangers
Many people suffer from the infamous b*tch face. That cold stare where you gaze off into space that makes you seem like the meanest and unapproachable person alive is dealt with by many. Make a conscious effort to smile more. Smile at people you see on the street. Smile at people who hold the door open for you. Smile at people you know more. You never know if a smile can make someone's day or make them feel seen when they couldn't feel more invisible.
5. Volunteer
Volunteering is such an obvious way to give back but most people don't have time to fit it into their busy schedules. Make the time to go to your local shelter or food kitchen whether it be once throughout the forty days or once a week.
6. Swearing
If you're anything like me, half the time you sound like a trucker. I'm not sure what it is but incorporating every kind of swear word into everyday conversations is a talent of mine. Lose the f-bombs and the bad language because blasphemy is better off to be left out of your language whether you're religious or not.
7. Body shaming
The next time you look at yourself in the mirror try your hardest to keep the body shaming thoughts out. Chances are what you hate most about your body is not that big of a deal. Everybody has a muffin top, when you sit down rolls should be expected and a little extra jiggle when you walk is nothing to hate yourself for. Chances are your family and friends won't even notice the ten pounds you gained so cut it out.
8. Nitpicking
Some us love to overanalyze every aspect of our lives, especially our relationships. Nitpicking only brings more negative energy into your life. Although this is easier said than done save your battles for the big stuff. Learn how to identify issues that you want resolving and learn to live with the rest.
9. Binge watching tv shows
We are all guilty of watching a few seasons of our favorite show in a day. Instead of plopping down in front of the tv for hours try to do something better with your time to blow off some steam. Go to the gym, go for a walk, start a book you've been wanting to read, try a new recipe or organize your closet.
10. Become more in tune with what's going on around you
Instead of sitting down to lunch putting in your headphones and ignoring the world around you pick your head up and pay attention to what's going. It's ok to eavesdrop on the conversation next to you or glance more than once at someone with a smile. Embrace what's going on around you and try to live outside of your bubble.