It’s your last semester and your last five months to take on as many adventures as possible. For some, it will probably be the last time you are on campus for the next few years. You’ll become the alumni invited back for homecoming week and special events. These next few months will consist of a lot of partying, stress, and job applications. Remember to have the time of your life and everything will fall into place.
1. You're a Senior…EMBRACE it!
It's spring semester of senior year and there is no doubt that you are going to own your last semester of college. Do things you've always wanted to do during this time in your life. Don’t think, do! Make an everlasting impression on the “best four years of your life.”
2. Focus on Resumes and Job Applications
We all know there is one thing we want after graduating and that, of course, is a job. In the middle of all the partying take some time out to perfect those resumes and cover letters. Need help? Career services is always a great place where you can talk to an advisor and get the help you need.
3. Join an Organization
If you haven’t joined an organization, take the time to join one. It's your last chance to be a part of a group on campus and you don't want to miss out on being involved. You might find a group where you fit in perfectly and could meet new people.
4. Build a Network
Time to beef up your network and start connecting with people both in and out of your preferred career path. LinkedIn is a good way to connect with alumni from URI and classmates who will be perusing the same career. Get those business cards ready!
5. Social Media Spring Cleaning
Spring semester means there is time to do some spring cleaning, with social media that is. Job sites will be checking out your social media profiles. All those embarrassing party pictures have got to go. You represent yourself and making a good impression is important. It also won’t hurt to create both professional and personal social profiles.
6. Cherish your Friendships
Some of us are still friends with people we met freshman year and some of us are not. The friends you have now will be lifelong friends and are most likely to stay with us for life after college. Embrace your friendships and the time you have to together.
7. Beware of Senior-itis
It is just the beginning of the semester so don’t get sucked into the Senior-itis just yet. We still have to get through the halfway point of spring break.
8. Spend Time on Campus
It's important to be active around campus because in a few months you won't get the chance to chill out on the quad or hang in the union. This place has been your home for the past four years, whether you lived on or off campus. Take in the scenery and cherish the place you've grown to love.
9. Just Be You & Don’t Give Up
“You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And you are the one who’ll decide where you go…” – Dr. Seuss.
Good luck on your last semester and remember to enjoy and cherish each moment. You’ll never get to relive these past four years, so end it with a BANG!