Graduation at UNCG is only a couple of weeks away. May 4th to be exact. And I am most definitely not counting the seconds - 999,999, 999,998, 999,997 - sorry where were we? Oh yeah. Graduation is upon us!
There is not much time left until we walk across that stage, and that means there is not much time left in our college careers. As exciting as that is, THERE ARE ONLY A COUPLE OF WEEKS LEFT IN OUR COLLEGE CAREERS! UNCG has been the place that has shaped us, it has changed our lives, it has helped us grow! We need to make the most of our time left, because who knows when we will get the chance again. Not to mention, UNCG has some amazing traditions that all students should participate in before they graduate!
There are certain things you should do that are S-O U-N-C-G that you may not get the chance to do again after you leave. Here are 11 ways to prepare for graduation at UNCG.
1. Walk under the clock tower
You have been waiting your whole time at UNCG to do this, unless you haven't, which means wow you walked under it and defied history and are still graduating so good for you. For the rest of us mere mortals, now is finally our opportunity to shake our fists at the clock and yell, "ha, your time's up!" Or if you're too chicken, you can wait until after May 4th so you know for sure that the spell for you is broken!
2. One last apple for Minerva
The high brow equivalent of HMB, Minerva has held your apples while you go ace tests and life. One last little snack for the goddess of wisdom is sure to set you on the right track before and after graduation.
3. Yum Yums
Hot dogs and ice cream, what a combo. Unless you are vegan. Which would be unfortunate. Because you can't eat at Yum Yums because those are the only things they have. Or do, because YOU ARE GRADUATING AND WILL NEVER SEE YUM YUMS AGAIN - unless you do. Either way, 10/10 will prepare you for graduation and you have to have at least one meal there before you walk across the stage-so yummy!
4. Grab a pic with Spiro
If you haven't met the best mascot in the world, make sure you do it in your final weeks! You can find Sprio at tons of campus events and he is always willing to take a picture!
5. Fried Chicken Wednesday
Nothing says, "I'm prepared for graduation like crushing one last FCW with some fried chicken and cornbread." Sure the lines might get long, but it's all worth it.
Beyond Fried Chicken Wednesday, there aren't many places in the world as ritsy as Fountain View Dining. You eat food. While viewing a fountain. Even if you don't like fried chicken one last trip to the caf should be in your books.
We may have complained about it when we had to eat it three times a day every day, but where else in life will you get a chance to eat 8 cookies against your better judgment and being able to rationalize it with just, "college."
6. Go to the Rec Center
Think about the healthy glow in your face when you walk across that stage after you have crushed 80 burpees, 2933 bicep curls, and 3 squats. A trip to Kaplan will help you prepare for graduation, no doubt. Plus, some of us seniors have only gotten to appreciate Kaplan for a year or so, better get those workouts in while the membership is still free!
7. Selfie on college ave
Haha lol going to miss you UNCG. This one will get you in the right frame of mind for graduation. Or at least you'll look good.
8. Jump in the fountain
This one probably is not condoned by the university, but YO-UNCG-O am I right? If you had one shot... One opportunity... would you take it, or just let it slip? This is your last chance! Jump in the fountain! I have heard it is magical wisdom water, and makes you ace all of your finals. And please, if you do jump in, pic or it didn't happen because we need to see this. @walruswarren and @ciaraa_gazawayy hmu wih dem pics.
9. Tweet at Chancellor Gilliam
You can realistically do this when you leave too, but if he replies you are officially UNCG famous for a day so you should do it now to maximize your fame. You also might get slayed.
We have the best chancellor of all time.
10. Pick up your cap and gown and write a letter to the class of 2022
When you go to the Bookstore to pick up your cap and gown, there are cards you can fill out for "Advice for the Class of 2022!" As if you're not already emotional, thinking back to your freshman year and the advice you'd give to your 18 year old self will definitely put you in your feels. But hopefully reminiscing will leave you feeling proud and even more ready to walk across the stage!
11. Take graduation pics
You are graduating! Let the world know. Send them to your cousins, your aunts, your friends in kindergarten, your dog, everyone! Your day has come.
Just make sure you don't take them with your phone in your backyard, unless you want them to look like this:
Happy graduation and Go Spartans!