Band in high school is essentially a rather large, mysterious clique of kids that stick together. Where I come from, it has even been compared to a cult (jokingly!). Through this exclusive club, you spend a lot of time with your fellow bandmates and have experiences that only kids who were ever in high school band can relate to.
1. The band room becomes your home away from home.
You store your stuff there. You eat your lunch there. You take naps there. All the necessary things you need right there at school.
2. "One time, at band camp" gets old very quick.
We get it. American Pie. Ha. Go away.
3. During marching season, you find yourself marching places instead of walking like a sane individual.
I've found myself practicing backwards marching down the grocery aisles. Don't even get me started with the fact that staying in step with who I am walking next to is now natural instinct for me.
4. Flocking towards your fellow bandmates in your normal academic classes.
Band, a great way to guarantee yourself at least 30 new automatic friends.
5. Instrument stereotypes are real and 90% of the time accurate.
Trumpet players have giant egos. Clarinet players are really hard workers. Drumline kids are.... special snowflakes.
6. Band is essentially a huge family. This makes dating other band kids very odd.
Not to mention the fact that band kids pretty much only date band kids.
7. The sight of puddles of brass players spit and condensation doesn't phase you anymore.
I'm sure there are also some tears mixed in there.
8. Band is one of the hardest things you've ever done, but between the friendships and the life lessons learned, it is also one of the most rewarding.
Once a bando, always a bando!