1. To appreciate the time you have at home.
Sure, family can get on your nerves and be a little much at times, but going back to school makes you appreciate the small things like having your laundry done for you and a nice, home-cooked meal. And speaking of those home-cooked meals...
2. The value of a hot meal that didn't come through a drive-thru window.
Cold pizza and chicken strips that taste like cardboard get old-- it's inevitable. We resort to driving to Cookout for a 5 dollar tray or McDonald's for that dollar menu. While it's much better than food from the dining hall, it doesn't beat grandma's Sunday dinner.
3. How much you really do care about your new friends
Going home for the holidays teaches you a lot of things about your friends, both new and old. You realize that you've outgrown certain people when you miss someone you've known for 4 months and call them when you find out some crazy news before you call someone you've known for years. You never really realize the connections you make until you don't have direct access to your new pals.
4. The importance of going to class
Perhaps one of the hardest lessons learned over one's first semester of college is the harsh reality that high school and college are nothing alike. You could miss class for a week in high school and not miss a beat, but missing one class in college will put you lightyears behind your peers. Oh yeah, there was also a pop quiz, and no, you can't make it up.
5. Going out during the week isn't for the faint of heart
'Nuff said.
6. How to budget your money
... Better than you did last semester, anyway. Instead of buying that new frocket t-shirt, you'll just buy 2 from the local Clothing Exchange Facebook page. It's called compromise.
7. Quiet floors in the library are a must
As comfy as your dorm room is and as fun, as the "loud" floors are in the library, sometimes you just need your earphones, a Redbull, and a quiet space. You'd be surprised at how much you can really get done when you put yourself in a productive environment.
8. Being more acquainted with the campus is so, so great
You know just how long you can sleep in before being late to class, what time the on-campus restaurants are going to have lines out the door, and which route to go if you want to avoid the organizations that are tabling on your normal route.
9. Those towels your great aunt got you for graduation? They'll come in handy
When you're out of clean towels and aren't quite ready to do a load of laundry, you'll really be thankful for those towels that matched your room's color scheme from Aunt Bertha. This also goes for any other graduation gift that you never thought you would need.
10. Getting involved is important
You rolled your eyes at all of those brochures and campus e-mails at the beginning of the semester, but after joining a club or organization, you understand why there is such great emphasis on getting involved. Whether it be joining Greek life, an on-campus club or volunteering at an event that's included in your weekly campus newsletter, something about getting out there and being a part of something larger than yourself makes the college experience so much better.