I was adopted when I was 3 years old, automatically taken from my biological mother at birth. She struggled with drug abuse, alcohol abuse and prostitution. I was born two months early, pre-mature and so small the doctors didn't think I would survive. I mean, who could look at a baby who was 2 pounds, 3 ounces and already being born addicted to drugs? I laid there in an incubator, hooked up with feeding tubes riddling my little body. I wasn't responding well. Fast forward to a few days later, my biological mother had already moved back to Alabama, and I was put in an orphanage. I was there until I was 6 months old, before I was chosen by a family to be its little angel. Little did I know, it wouldn't last forever.
My name is Destiny. I just turned 20, and this is my untold story of being adopted. Here are 10 things adoptees want the outside world to know.