10 Things I Miss About John Carroll University
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10 Things I Miss About John Carroll University

Life at JCU is always an adventure and I cannot wait to be back

10 Things I Miss About John Carroll University
John Carroll University

At the end of my last final in May, I was both excited and sad. After months of not being home, I was on my way back and would soon be able to have a fun summer with my best friend, whom I had not seen for months. However, my heart was also slightly broken at the thought of leaving campus behind and all my new college friends until next fall. Going to John Carroll University has been the best decision I could have ever made and there is just so many unique qualities I love about it. So here's to all that makes JCU both an equally exciting and sometimes challenging place, to all the friendships formed, and to all the memories made.

1. The Infamous Quad

Nothing is better than sitting on the main quad studying or just relaxing. Being at the heart of campus, there is never a shortage of people or activity. Not to mention it is also one of the prettiest spots on campus.

2. Squad Dinners in the Dining Hall

You would think that food is the most important thing in the dining hall, but it is actually the time you get to spend with all of your friends. We truly became a family and there was no place I would have rather been, even though I nearly died of laughter several times.

3. The JCU Squirrels

In one word: crazy. The squirrels on campus are certainly something to occasionally watch out for. They love running out right in front of you on your walk to class. JCU squirrels love being on campus as much as the students do, so be on the lookout.

4. Crossing Belvoir Whenever

Both the Hamlin and Campion dorms are separated by an occasionally busy road, Belvoir. Technically there are walk lights that come on so students can walk, but nobody follows them. This past September, the police warned students who crossed whenever would receive a ticket, but after one month and maybe one person being ticketed, the rule was no longer enforced. The moral of the story: Cross whenever, especially if you are late for class, just watch out for the occasional car that does not stop.

5. Base Camp

The freshman dorm Campion will always hold a special place in my heart as it was my home for my first year. The majority of my friends lived here first semester as well and the common lounge in the basement, Base Camp or Campion Classroom, became a frequent hang out spot. Base Camp was home to many memories: Making breakfast for dinner, watching movies and having a lip sync contest.

6. Fire Alarms in the Middle of the Night

Nothing is worse than waking up at 3 a.m. in February to an alien invasion, what the fire alarm in Campion basically sounds like. This past year, it seemed like Campion had at least one fire alarm go off once a month. From people pulling it, to terrible cooks in the kitchen, and from a hoverboard actually catching on fire, Campion residents were masters at exiting the building.

7. The Almost Always Late JCU Van and "Loop" Shuttle

During the week, starting from outside the gym doors, the JCU van picks up students and takes them to Green Road, an off-campus parking lot, or Target. Neither of these places are far from each other and although, you can call the van line, there always seems to be a long wait time. On the weekends with the "Loop" shuttle, making additional stops at Beachwood Mall and Legacy Village, timing is not much better. My best advice: Grab a friend and walk whenever possible.

8. Squad Trips to Target

Nothing says family like going shopping, right? Squad trips to Target are always a good time, as most of us have no idea where exactly everything is and we often act like children, not ready for the hard task of adulting. Every trip is an experience and never short of laughs.

9. Greek Week Lip Sync

Greek Week might be one of the most interesting weeks of all year. Throughout the week, all the fraternities and sororities on campus compete in different events against each other, such as soccer and "Family Feud". However, the best event is saved for the end, Lip Sync. What makes our Greek life's lip sync so much fun is the fact that the groups are not just performing a song. Rather, each fraternity and sorority acts out a story, filled with snippets of songs, famous movie and Vine lines, hilarious costumes and plenty of shade being thrown. Even if you are not in Greek life, it is a great ending to the school year and will have you laughing the whole night.

10. Exploring Cleveland

From Browns games, Indians games, Shaker Square, West Side Market, the Museum of Contemporary Art, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Little Italy and Blossom, Cleveland has a lot to explore. Although maybe not as big as New York or Los Angeles, downtown Cleveland is just as great and there is something for everyone. So one weekend take your friends and hop on the RTA or catch an Uber to downtown Cleveland and discover why it is a great city.

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