Sisterhood is messy and weird and wonderful, especially when you have a younger sister.
1. She will steal everything you own
Literally everything. Nothing will be left. Remember those shoes you bought that aren't even her size? Forget about them, they're stretched out and gone forever to the depths of her closet.
2. You'll always have someone to go shopping with
"Wanna go to the mall?" "Only if you buy me lunch." Whenever I need a second opinion on a new pair of pants or a pair of shoes I don't really need, my sister is there to help me burn through my savings.
3. She will always be in the bathroom at the most inconvenient time
Every time you need to shower, every time you have to pee, and every time you only have five minutes left to do your hair and makeup before you leave she will swoop in. Much like the common seagull, your sister will appear out of nowhere and will steal what's most precious.
4. You have a mini-me…kind of
The thing about younger sisters is that they will simultaneously be the mirror image of you in every aspect- but also the polar opposite. They will try to copy your style, they'll join the same classes, they'll try to hang out with your friends when they come over- but they will also have extremely different ideas on just about everything. This makes it really easy to argue with your younger sister- but also means that they'll always understand you.
5. Need a binge-watching buddy? Look no further
Your younger sister, if she's anything like mine, will almost always start watching any show that you begin to watch. Sometimes this is good- because you have someone to talk about the show with and to watch it with, but sometimes this is the absolute worst because your sister will watch ahead while you're sleeping and then spoil it for you.
6. They are your best secret keeper-but also the first to tattle
I know that there are millions of things that I tell only my sister about, and that she will take them to the grave. I also know that she will be the first to call Mom when something gets broken in the house, or when a missing article of clothing is mysteriously found on the other sister's personage.
7. Sometimes they will do nice things for you- just because
Your little sister isn't always a twerp, sometimes she can actually be kind of cool. Sometimes she might even be extra nice and make you food or randomly clean up something for you. Only sometimes though.
8. She's your personal paparazzi
My sister always catches me on camera at the worst possible times- when I'm sleeping, when I'm dancing in our kitchen, when I'm talking to our cat, etc. You will never miss a moment with a younger sister around- she will save it all for later embarrassment.
9. Someone will always be there to keep you in check
Whenever you're being stupid, lazy, or just plain nasty- they will call you out on it. Haven't done the dishes Mom told you to do? Your sister will call you out on it. Being extra nasty because you didn't get enough sleep? Your sister will make sure you're aware of just how awful you're being. While this can be annoying it's also good to have a person in your life that will keep you on track.
10. She's your forever friend
My mom always says that sisters are forever friends, and that resonates with me more and more as I grow older. My sister and I fight like no other, we bicker endlessly and have said terrible things, but at the end of the day I know that she's always there for me, and that we love each other, even if we don't always like each other.