1. Have a date!!
Come on it’s not a date if only you show up. Make sure the person you are planning to date is worth the date. I know dates may be old school to some people since now, everyone enjoys Netflix and chill.
2. Pick a location
Based on you or your date seem interested in making sure it's somewhere where you will actually enjoy the person. As well as the location. You can take your chances and head out for a movie, dinner, concert, or a museum.
3. Dress Code
Wear something that you feel comfortable in. Do not overdo it. Take it easy on the beauty products. No one wants to meet a clown on the first date. Nor do they want to choke on the smell of your cologne or perfume.
4. Be Yourself
Remember this is a new friend someone you are trying to get to know. This is not the date that will land you a marriage tomorrow. Relax, take your time, and let them pick up on your inner vibe.5. Get to know one another
Don’t just talk your dates head off about work, problems, or weakness. Learn about them as much as they would like to learn about you. Just do not overdo it. What are their hobbies, family, dislikes, and like? Save the complaining for later.
6. Express your feelings
Figure out what you want and go after it. If you are interested in finding someone to marry, have kids, or just want some fun. Please let you date know so that each of you are both on the same page. Your date might be into the same thing you are in. Careful with this subject sometimes this can be a little nerve wrecking but there must be an understanding.
7. Respect boundaries
There may be things that you are really interested in asking your date. Due to the fact, some people do not like to put it all out there on the first date. So respect privacy if they’re not willing to open up to you about certain things in their life.
8. Participate
If you are going out somewhere get involved in whatever you are doing. For example, if you are going to a museum actually look at what you are viewing are ask a question. Tell your date your favorite piece and why you love the work so much.
9. Don't run from the check
Nowadays anybody can pay for the date if not both people. DO NOT DINE AND DASH. At least offer to pay some of the tab.
10. Keep in touch
If you are interested in meeting again then this is great. Plan another date. If not then let your date know you’re not interested or you would rather be friends.