The days where nothing really mattered.... Elementary School. Reflecting back on these days really has made me think about how much I miss that place. I don't know about you, but if I could go back I definitely would. Here are just some things that make this place so amazing
1. Girls Intramural's (5th grade)
Oh the time that we thought we were so cool getting to school “early” ( little did we know the following year in middle school that would be considered the new normal) to play a few rounds of alligator tag.
2. Quidditch
Okay I am one of the losers or wannabe’s who never saw Harry Potter. But, being on Hufflepuff was one of the biggest joys of my glory gym days.
3. The Book Fair
Me:“Hey mom I need money for the book fair”
Mom:"Here is 20 dollars ONLY buy the book if you will really read it”
***20 dollars well spent on Chicken Noodle For The Cat Lovers Soul*** …..still in the same spot it was 10 years ago and not me at least.
4. The Star Lab
Remember the blow up planetarium? You would crawl through this weird tunnel that felt like forever to crawl through when it was really two seconds. We would all squeeze next to each other in a circle. The big dipper, the little dipper, it all felt so real. Then you would crawl out and look how small this bubble was…guess the universe isn’t as big as we think? :)
5. Holiday Gift Fair
Same concept as the book fair. I got my 20 dollars and thought I was getting my family the coolest presents. Ya know, some slime for my brothers, or like a little race car..maybe even a key chain if they were lucky. My mom would get maybe jewlery if I had enough money left after I found something for myself that is..otherwise she would get a keychain…the usual. Dad, no questions asked…he got a keychain.
6. Class Pictures
After elementary school you have about 10000 teachers every year. There is no time for class pictures… you are lucky if your teacher remembers you 2 years later. There is so much joy at looking at old class pictures. You see yourself in some weird outfit that you promise you will never make your children wear. But if you look even closer you even see yourself smiling from ear to ear.
7. Variety Show
I will never forget the day my mom thought the song “Goodies” by Ciara would be approved…it wasn’t. But all the time and effort we would put into these dances or acts that were only 2 minutes each.
8. The Halloween Dance
Little did we know in elementary school that in college Halloween is more than one night. This night we would wear one costume, maybe dress up with some friends.. or some group of girls that your mom arranged a planned dress up with the mothers. There would be a DJ, some cool decorations, the Principle would dress up, and to top it off homemade baked goods.
9. Bingo Night
Fun with friends and the family. I remember having those big paint markers. My favorite was the neon pink. Winning was such a scary thing. You would have to yell BINGO in front of a packed gym of people.
10. Recess
The best time of the day. The boys would always take over the playground or play handball…the girls would try but usually end up sitting by the classroom just gossiping. My favorite was going on the swings and jumping off it.
This article is dedicated to Forest Lake Elementary School.
"Yes I Can"