1. You have no idea who or what is Wawa and why it's such a big deal?
If you go to school on the east coast you will hear the word Wawa many many times. Wawa has basically their own cult on the east coast and those that follow it believe that Wawa is made by some higher being. You will be confused at first hearing of the word Wawa. Just picture if a BP, Jimmy Johns, and Tim Hortons had a baby you would get Wawa. It is not that big of a deal, but do not tell this to an east coaster. If you say this in front of one they will go on for 30 minutes of how good it is. Even if you do like WaWa they will still go on about this BP, Jimmy John, Tim Horton hybrid.
2. When you see cornhole you beat everyone's ass because cornhole in the midwest is a religion.
Growing up in the midwest every major event has some sort of cornhole game involved. Oh, its your graduation party there's cornhole. Oh, you have free time at your wedding lets play cornhole. It's your birthday party there will be cornhole. Any tailgate ever will have cornhole. In the east cornhole is something people have YET NEVER PLAY EVER. So get ready to be a WINNA!
3. Meeting another person from the midwest is basically the GIF below:
4. You share way too much and just talk a lot in general.
In the midwest, you do not know a stranger and will literally talk to anyone about anything even really personal crap. East coasters do not pretend to care at all and will just ignore you.
East Coaster:
5. You are the loudest one at ANY sports event.
Now this one is just a given. One of the few things the midwest has is sports so we take the damn seriously. Embrace the fact you will look ridiculous and all the people will hate your yelling. You have spirit and they just don't.
6. You cannot stand the traffic.
Going somewhere that is 10 miles away will take you an hour when it comes to all THE DAMN TRAFFIC. You will be wishing to have the days where driving 10 miles would take 20 minutes max.
7. You say sorry way too much.
Seems like in any situation you apologize for something even if it is extremely small. An east coaster will not apologize for anything even if they kill ya.
8. You try to get Dunkin Donuts to be your new Tim Hortons but it is not the same.
Trying to make a Dunkin's Ice Frappe your new Ice Cap never works no matter how hard you try. There is nothing close to an Ice Cap on the east coast so go cry when you have Tim Hortons for the last time in a while.
9. East coasters drink the nice liquor.
Gone are the days of field parties when you just had Natural Light. Natty Light is basically non-existent on the east coast. So get ready for fancy crap that is overly expensive. And the way you drink wine is just not accepted by fancy east coasters who are used to having roof parties, yes I am talking about you fancy NYC East Siders that live on my floor.
10. You will be the mom of your college friend group.
It is bound to happen. Midwesterners just have an innate need to care for others. But watch out because sometime you may be clingy.